Stepping on some toes without always saying whose. Sorry in advance.
As usual, this is just the typical right wing BS about "PC" stopping "problems from being solved" and such. What always always always turns out to be the actual motivation, the actual belief, is that the person complaining PC - never defined by them, notice - is they want to say something outlandish about another group or groups but don't want their words to be labelled as bigotry (notice the actual PC nature of this intention on their part). OP demonstrates this magnificently, tucked into their lengthy screed, with all the innuendo I'd expect:
The same people who call themselves feminists have been abetting the most viciously misogynistic ideology on the planet – Jihadist Islam. The same people who call themselves feminists have been excusing inner city thugs in their crimes against women. Of course they do not see the outcome of their policies; however the people who fund them and vote for them do. — Ilya B Shambat
Feminists have been abetting the Jihadists!, I wonder how they are doing that, and why? OP doesn't say of course, but I've seen the song and dance before. OP will reference Muslim rapes, probably in Sweden, and claim the stats are through the roof (and watch how poorly that will stand up to scrutiny), but PC Culture prevents them from saying it without being called unkind things. Naturally, others will point out the way OP and those inflating this to kingdom come are actually "addressing" this problem in both counter productive ways and lying about it to ludicrous extremes. "Teresa May invited all the Muslims here!", they will lie, ignoring the actual problem the EU was addressing and how they were going about trying to alleviate the numbers problem.
"The Muslims are invading!", they will say. No admission that the country(is) the asylum seekers came from were levelled by "freedom fighters" directly helped by (especially) the U.S. and often even directly by the U.S. military. Ah, but invading a country with their soldiers and missiles, and funding terrorists to overthrow the government, has no effect on people trying to flee to places they won't be attacked. I mean it's not like Libya had just been destroyed by U.S.. And Iraq. And Afganistan. Syria, though the government avoided toppling. Yemen in the process of it, though the Democrats have use the War Powers act so who knows how that will go. Iran has been in their sights for awhile, as overthrowing their previous democracy wasn't long lasting enough. Notice the constant build up to establish a pretext for invading. When Iranians begin fleeing en masse from a U.S. invasion they will be decried by the right.
Then OP and co. will say this is all irrelevant (imagine that, war irrelevant to people fleeing war zones), and that this is all about "the libs" not wanting to say there is a problem with a specific group of people (the Muslims, the blacks, the Mexicans, and so on; depends on the flavor of the week) because they don't want to sound racist. And so OP and co. conclude "the libs" are just being PC. It's not as if the problem trying to be evaded is the absurd way the right is trying to solve a some social problem (e.g. yelling at Muslims to go home), or the fact that they immediately drop into racist commentary about these people, or like about the nature, scope or even occurrence of the problem.
No, "the libs" just don't want to sound mean and so they team up with the mean, rapist Muslims thugs. That's definitely what's actually happening in reality and there couldn't possibly be any misrepresentation here.
I think the underlying problem is much more the polarization of the political discourse and the lack of even trying to engage the other side. This creates the current toxic environment — ssu
I think statements like this are both overstated in importance and is just an example "both sides are the problem" vacuousness. People don't really change their minds about politics through discussion with the other side, this is all for appearances sake in reality. To look open minded without ever actually showing one changes anything they believe in politics (aside from large ideology shifts).
Let's take a pretty huge example. The huge amount of people fleeing from countries like Syria was, in the U.S., promised by the then-President-elect Trump to be stopped with a (quoting) "complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the country". And lo and behold, he passed that with an executive order. The courts struck it down, so it was rewritten in an attempt to get the same effect without having the obviously group-directed language. The American left calling this bigoted isn't even comparable to the passing of this travel ban. And this generalizes, as often these kinds of actions are, often, either pointless (because by comparison to the EU, the U.S. has taken in much fewer in recent years) or they are based on absurd claims that can't possibly be taken seriously.
The liberals have their own vices, which is why I became disaffected with their wishy washy ideology. But the right live on another planet and no amount of me pretending this isn't right wing lunacy most of the time is going to change that. Claims of invading "Mexicans" and Muslims, claims that Obama wasn't actually an American citizen, that pulling out of the World Court was justified because the UN wants to genocide white people and hates America, that climate change is a hoax/a Chinese hoax in particular, ad infinitum. Those and innumerable cases like them are the chief causes of the toxicity. It's not about principles being different, people aren't usually directly arguing about principles (and even when they say they are, they're often hiding the ball about what they're disagreeing about). One side is not good, the other constructs a worldview that requires an incredibly level "believe absolutely anything suits me no matter how crazy".