• About the difficulty of staying present
    Big pictures and small pictures at the same time, with a modicum of lateral thinking thrown in, will learn to harmonise after almost a lifetime!Fine Doubter

    Interesting, i'm also very attentive to lateral thinking do you have any thoughts on how to develop it?

    Ultimately, it is worry that placed the northern hemisphere societies that elevated them politically and in war industry that helped them to create industrial societies, which subjugated the rest of the world. It was all due to worry, because other features of humans living elsewhere were and are comparably equal to norhtern hemisphere denizens.god must be atheist

    I had never taken that approach towards, explaining the gap between northern and southern societies, always had though it was due the longer time their ancestry had to develop, guess it makes a lot more sense now thanks.

    I think planning and living aren't separate things. As it appears to me all plans are about how people want to live.TheMadFool

    Yes, agreed, it might be better to say, planning and acting upon those plans what do you think?

    I actually have the opposite problem. I don't worry near as much as I should about the future.Terrapin Station

    Terrapin, would you say this alleviate or bring more problems into your life?, do you think being less worried about what might come, help you be more attentive with what you can do now?

    Understanding that success and failure is not entirely up to individuals, helps one stay in the present. Worry yes -- but remember a lot of it is out of your control, so relax.Bitter Crank

    That exactly , i have been a incredibly worried person, but i fear is better to give your best shot and stop trying to keep control of everything, since that can't be done and that way free some energy to be attentive and focused on what is going on around.
  • A 5 sided square

    Added to the reproduction list, Kurzgesagt is one of my favorite channels. thx!
  • A 5 sided square
    Hi Joseph S!

    Thanks for your reply, yes it seems to me very interesting to think about the hypothetical applications that math can bring into the table for metaphysics, one of the ideas that boggles me is how come math comes so naturally and logically to our minds, like it was a part of nature itself, but our internal nature.

    At one point a thought crossed my mind around dimension itself. Reviewing the math behind fractional numbers, negative numbers and 0 as an exponent on Numberphile, I wondered whether dimension, seemingly incontrovertibly discrete, had any meaning as a fraction.JosephS

    I haven't thought of dimension like that, but now that you mention it it's sure to be an interesting trip, i'll be checking the link before the day finishes. if you have any other interesting topic like this one feel free to mention me so i can catch up later!
  • A 5 sided square
    Hey Tim

    Thanks for the references, i'll be sure to check them,

    "insufficient" and "incomplete."tim wood
    and thanks for the burnt too maybe this is exactly what i needed, anyway this post it's something i wrote just for the sake of it, anyway it seems to have given more than enough of reward, i'll be sure to check more of your publications in the future.
  • A 5 sided square
    Hey Tim

    Thanks for the reply! yes indeed i believe we need a system of presuppositions in order to have a perspective of the objects of study, in the case of the example i put through, i'm trying to dig about how can we improve our definitions and givens to get a more complete perspective of the real.

    And about the goal, that can be defined by every individual as he pleases, i guess as you say, can we ever really get to know how to be on this world?, i'm sure in the end we all have to make the preliminary decision and go with that.

    But anyway i'm always been a loner who ask such questions, so it's nice to be welcomed in a community
    i'll stick around as much as i can.

    The world is out there, but nothing about the world is out there, that's all in here. And a fantastic amount of energy is wasted by folks who cannot keep track of this simple fact and try to wrest wrong conclusions from non-existing facts.tim wood

    better to know that fact while also wrestling with all the conclutions :lol:

    Sorry, I thought this was KFC.S
    ok but why though :rofl:
  • implications of free will
    hi rlclauler, i have been thinking about your question for a while, and this is what i understand,

    Under the evidence that the biggest indicator of success is to come from a successful environment, and the biggest factor in future poverty is previous poverty.

    The common western belief " free will" has dehumanizing affects on how we evaluate humans.

    On this side of the coin, as society we leave the most vulnerable people discarded or excluded, this is one of the principal problems that capitalism rises on humanity.

    Let's take a look from other direction, what if people was not expected to have free will, and everybody assumed that their destiny is mostly affected by their context, How would this affect their lives?.

    The first thing i can think of, is that the motivation for improvement and productivity of the community could decrease because, if you have that assumption that free will is not your quality, then the responsibility for your well being is not yours, but someone else, and having a society with responsible members it's in my opinion essential.

    Now lets put into the table the individualism that characterizes us, what about moving this variable, how would it be if individualism was removed or decreased to some degree, could it be done? how could i worry as much for a random stranger than i worry for my wife? for me at least it would be very hard,

    what do you think about this, if some part don't make sense to you please let me know.
  • Ontic versus ontological
    If we opt for the first option - retaining the distinction - do we really gain anything in terms of "meaning refining" by maintaining the ontic / ontological conceptual distinction, or are we just making it difficult for ourselves when there isn't really any need for it.Daniel C

    Hi Daniel thank you for the definitions presented, on my appreciation, separating the meanings has the superior hand on this question.

    The reason behind this conclusion is as follows, difficulty is just a personal evaluation, if an individual wants to forget about the ontic term and work his way around by describing the ontological nature of existing, he can do so with no problem whatsoever.

    But having a second word to refer only the physical nature of things, even if means acquiring even more definitions to the existing ones, will permit you to describe only the physical nature of things, and your listener will know you are not making reference to any other topic outside that realm.

    Does this make sense to you?,

    k thx bye
  • Which are the sources of information that excerpt more influence over your actions and thoughts?
    Something like "the streets are dangerous" isn't as much information as it is an interpretation and the way we interpret information or adopt interpretations is more significant than information.

    A person might become very self-conscious about how they look in circumstances such as where they feel they don't fit in, they're surrounded by attractive people or near someone they like. Even people who are normally not at all self-conscious about their looks can become so under specific circumstances.

    I also think emotion has a lot to do with it, a depressed person will naturally adopt negative interpretations about things and become attached to negative information. The opposite applies for a confident person.

    So I don't know if extra "information" is making much of a difference to anyone but different interpretations about what things mean and what matters do. If you're watching MTV and they're telling you what's cool and trendy or if you're watching the news and they're making fun of the fashion and mannerisms of young people, that can make a difference to how you think and act.

    Thank for the feedback Judaka i really appreciate it, that's right it is very much important to mention that is the interpretation you give the information, what ends up really affecting the individual,this i find very valuable to point out.