• Philosophy and Climate Change
    To live good, you need to treat yourself good.
    To treat yourself good, treat the world good

    What does that mean?
  • Philosophy and Climate Change
    It seems, ergo, that climate change is the "opportune" moment for the development of a more expansive morality that not only includes all of humanity but also other species, even plantsTheMadFool

    I take your points about the definition. I am still a little sceptical about the science and modelling but I'm convinced that we have already trashed the planet.

    I agree that we need a more expansive morality but how will this manifest itself? What actions will come from the new morality?
  • Philosophy and Climate Change
    Enjoy and do whatever good you can.Shamshir

    Why? For what purpose?

    This is what I have a problem with. The good bit not the enjoy bit.
  • Philosophy and Climate Change
    So it looks like a solution on the forefront but it's really just a patch up, since the earth has been leeched off to the bottom of the bottle.Shamshir

    That's my take on it. We have a bumpy ride ahead.

    I'll just forget all about it and enjoy the moment.
  • Philosophy and Climate Change
    I put my faith in "Mother Nature" who has ways of resolving difficult problems for species. We probably won't like her solutions, and some among our esteemed selves will be subject to her judgements.Bitter Crank

    So is this an agenda to do nothing?

    I am if the opinion that there is little we can do but if there is a consensus amongst scientists that it is a massive issue then what has philosophy got to offer?

    I may not be explaining myself properly but is philosophy just a talking shop with nothing to offer?
  • Philosophy and Climate Change
    Obviously, if you want to develop further.Shamshir

    This is the nub of my questions. How do we develop?

    We have already wiped out the majority of large fauna from the planet.

    What is the way forward? I'm intrigued to what philosophy has to offer.

    Individual freedom seems to be no longer fit for purpose. Again, I could be wrong and open to suggestions. I'm new at this .
  • Philosophy and Climate Change
    It's a temporary solution like reducing the flow of blood to stall venom.Shamshir

    I've worked out how to quote!!

    Why is it temporary? With 6 billion people and, I assume but could be wrong, a limit on how much we can consume to keep the planet balanced then what is the alternative.
  • Philosophy and Climate Change

    I'll take democracy, the voice of the people; and free markets, the voice of people spending their own money on things that give them value.

    This was why I said just carry on and see what happens because I cannot see how the status quo can combat the issue.

    That is assuming that there is such a thing as man made climate change.
  • Philosophy and Climate Change

    I'm sceptical of the environmental lobby. I'm unsure if the dire warnings are justified. But there doesn't seem any mechanism put forward to counter the possible consequences of climate change.
    Or is it just carry on as we are and if it happens it happens.
  • Philosophy and Climate Change
    think now it's a question of whether you want to die trying to reduce the catastrophe or die making it worse

    That doesn't make a blind but if difference to the issue. So if I may as well make it slightly worse and enjoy it. I don't see any moral imperative to change if there are people using way more resources than me. Hence, the rationing question.