• Philosophy is an absolute joke
    Just because a few of the tougher questions have stuck around doesn't mean it has no accomplishments. Philosophy is the basis of every problem we've ever solved as a species. "Hm.. I wonder what the world is made of." Thus atoms were first conceived. "I wonder why I can't get over this cold" Enter antibiotics. "How could we regulate traffic in certain areas?" Say hello to the stop light. "Look at the moon, I wonder what it really is?" We invent complex machinery to play golf on it.

    Inventions and new understandings happen every day. Thank the curiosity called philosophy that has enabled them to be birthed.
  • Original and significant female philosophers?
    Philosophy, science, literature, etc. Choose any field in the history of humanity. Compare a list of greats from men to women. Men grossly outweigh women in accomplishment. Fact is men and women are just different. Men naturally tend to be more out going, and it makes sense there's more accomplishment. It's a genetic misfire. Dudes gotta prove their worth to attract the ladies. women simply wait for the ideal 'alpha' to approach them. There's a reason men traditionally approach women more than women approach men. If there's a culture that promotes romantic or sexual freedom, and this isn't the norm, I'd love to hear about it. Fella's are born with a drive to succeed. Our genes depend on it for their survival, and our understanding of the universe has expanded proficiently because of it.
  • Does 'nothing' denote anything?
    Nothing is an idea, not a reality. Try to imagine a universe that doesn't exist with no one to perceive the emptiness.. No space, time, distance, or perspective. Nothing is nothing. It's a void of something, but we use symbolism like language to think it's something. It's not a philosophical question about physics, nature, or reality. More of a testament to how deceptive language can be. Not a bad question, but it's meant for a discussion between a neurologist and linguist.