• The False Argument of Faith
    That brings us around to the flip side of the equation. All Faith is based on Knowledge.
  • The False Argument of Faith
    I discovered this myself in cherokee county in cell 339. I had a lot of solitude to myself back then. I started reading christian books. While I was reading one of these books something other than the books confirmed what was in them to me. That other thing was God. Its an experience thats hard to explain. It was a mystical confirmation you could say.

    I don't believe in God because of what other men told me. I believe in God because He confirmed what other men said about Him.
  • The False Argument of Faith
    Well then I must disagree. Because God is the one who educates us about god, not just men. Theres something inside us that God planted in us to lead us to him. Some people just ignore that something, and some people are just too distracted by everything in the world to notice it. The only way to find that something is to seek Solitude. A man who doesn't know solitude doesn't know himself.
  • The False Argument of Faith
    Yes, you are exactly right. We all put our faith in something. Some of us in ourselves, some of us in God.
  • The False Argument of Faith
    All knowledge is based on faith.