• Marijuana and Philosophy
    This is an extremely difficult point to argue, especially given that it'll vary from person to person. Been smoking for going on 5 years now (wow, that's weird to say). I have a degree, a professional office job, and a semi-professional hobby (national level bodybuilder). I smoke only top shelf buds that come directly from a licensed collective. I have no problems at all, except for occasional mental block when trying to recall a word or name, which may not even be related. I smoke and relax in the evenings after I get home from work and the gym. Biggest side effect I've noticed is my short term memory. It's horrendous. I struggle to find the right words, and I also get a wee bit confused if the subject is deep in any way. I makes me see the world like if I was a kid again. I discover tastes in food I no longer notice, sounds and beauty in music that I would have missed, and my mind open itself to new concepts and realities. It makes me see the world on a different angle, thus making "problems" seems almost irrelevant, and life more simple in it's complexity.
    On the other hand, it's fucking incredible for my chronic pain (it was the reason I got medical marijuana card in san diego and started smoking), and it's definitely kept me going, as it's more helpful than any medication I've been given by doctors.
  • Currently Reading
    Currently reading: Night Watch, by Terry Pratchett
  • Understanding suicide.
    A lot of people think that suicide is about wanting to die, but I feel that it is more about trying to get rid of the pain that one feels. Suicidal people are in a lot of mental agony, and I think that if you are in a paroxysm of depression, you feel like the pain will never go away.

    Even though death is not a favorable alternative, it sure is better than suffering everyday.