• Continua are Impossible To Define Mathematically?
    @ Devan read the following link. and follow the link explaining limits
    Hopefully that will answer your questions.
  • Infinite world
    I am new here so please tell me to shut up. I f you think I am wrong.

    I was looking into Pantheism when I found this forum. ie the concept that god is the universe, I am part of said universe and part of said god, and will be when I pop my clogs.

    However I saw this thread and it interested me.

    I think the initial post comes down to a question of what exactly space is, and how does it evolve.

    Lets say that space is not infinite, but has no definable edge. A definable edge or infinity is a mathematical construct, which is not necessarily helpful. There is however a definable edge to the visible universe, and if we were to travel there, would likely see more galaxies not observable from our current location.

    Space is virtual and made up of individual parts all momentarily connected to a certain extent, constantly coming into and out of existence, on the large scale as we observe space is expanding at an accelerating rate. This can be explained by various Ricci flow models.

    Space and time emerge from a underlying membrane where neither space and time exist. This membrane connects all points/things in space time to a certain extent, see ER=EPR conjecture and emergent gravity and time theories. The membrane itself occupies zero space but connects everything to a certain extent, it allows only information flow. How does anyone feel about this :)

    The unbounded universe can be visualized as being made up of an infinite number of smaller interconnected parts, due to the presence of a underlying membrane.

    What we can say is the universe is constantly evolving.
    Cosmic Cyclic Cosmology allows for multiple big bangs. Also inflation theory which has replaced the original big bang theory in cosmology now, does not have all the mass in the universe appearing from a singularity with infinite mass.

    "And of course, the infinity of the other stuff that humans cannot perceive with our senses or instruments – that is one with All too."

    Really, anyone got a warm feeling :)

    What are the implications of this perspective? It means you are one with All, by being part of an infinite universe. There is no boundary or limit between you and everything around you. It also means with the lack of true innate boundaries in the universe, everything in it is constantly mixing, creating the balance we see in the universe. It also means you can free yourself from a finite perspective where you focus on finite things like job, house, family, etc. You can adopt an infinite perspective and weave these important things like job, house, family, into a free-flowing infinite web that is part of the infinite web of the universe. This also means that the finite labels we apply to things are approximations of an infinite reality. We can apply labels like tree, but a tree is infinite. We can know some things about trees, but not everything. We can say, “you are a man or a woman” and be correct, but still just be making an approximation. You are a vast collection of complex infinity in your own right.
    Mostly agree :)