Views on the transgender movement okay I would like to correct you on a few things, with a degree of experience myself in the subject, keep in mind however that I do not speak for everyone and everyone has a different experience. For me, my transition was not about gender but rather about changing my physical sex to female, and I also publically changed my gender to fit. Pre-transition i was not uncomfortable in just public places, I was more than uncomfortable in my own skin, I felt like I was wrong for existing and even now bathrooms are a problem. I also think that you are wrong about the bathroom thing because post-transition you end up with very manly men, and you want them to go to the women's restroom? And what about the opposite, would you want women going into the mens room, look we just want to live our lives.
I may be biased but I do not believe that hormone treatment and sex reassignment surgery is not mutilation and is not sketchy either; to get these things I had to talk to several licensed medical professionals and psychiatrist that specialized in the field I actually felt MORE safe there than I did and do with normal doctors. Okay so about the not being able to switch genders, I'm just going to disagree with you and state that this makes me very angry and not make any further comments. and we are not trying to reinforce the idea of gender we just want to feel more comfortable in our skins.