Ha aha ah ;-) That is the "who hurt you?" argument. Youtube is full of funny videos on that subject!
It's full of videos on Minecraft and My Little Pony as well. As an "alpha" man, it's... interesting to see that you consider random YouTube videos to be your primary source of information on things.
I will ask my wife. Maybe she agrees! ;-)
Why not just ask your wife's boyfriend instead?
But in serious, you now seem a bit contradictory; as far as evolutionary psychology goes which seems to be what you're deferring things to, almost any man or woman can meet the bare minimum qualifications to "get married", albeit with many possible varying degrees of dysfunctionality and pragmatics at stake.
So, no, if you're holding up "being married" to "some random woman" as an "ideal", that says very little of your supposed 'alpha' credentials, since an "alpha" would be focusing on higher quality marriage or relationships, not holding up "being married" at all as major accomplishment, if "trash TV" such as Jerry Springer and Maury is any indicator. It wouldn't shock me if your wife wears the pants in that relationship, not to mention how contradictory this is to much of the so-called "red pill" advice that advises against getting married at all, at least legally or formally.
I've had about 15-20 partners off and on, and where I'm at in life right now, I'm much happier to not be married, and not because of any "marriage nihilism" specifically. (If anything my nihilism is directed at the immaturity and idiocy of others and how little they value their marriages or achieving anything akin to a healthy marital foundation to begin with, no matter what century's laws or definitions of marriage one wishes to invoke).
The qualification "narrowly" is a bit of a stretch, given the fact that it takes less than $100 to fly out of the West to places where there is no "incel culture".
What I heard is that there is an "incel subculture" in East Asia or Japan, which is where all of the childish stereotypes and jokes about single men masturbating to "waifu pillows" come from. In fact, I almost thought the whole thing originated in "Japan" and made it way to the west like a badly translated anime cartoon series.
First of all, they may be a bit too feminized by their single-mother family background and the public-school indoctrination camps to do well, even in other areas of the world.
You've failed to substantiate what you mean by "public" school indoctrination camps, or why the same phenomina wouldn't exist in "private" school, "home" school, or any other K-12 oriented scholastic setting.
If by that, you mean co-ed education, then yes, coed education exists in private and "religious" schools as well, so this just sounds like empty, histrionic rhetoric, predicated on sensationalism and disproportionate reporting of unlikely events, usually if not always predicated on pandering to the stupidest phobias, insecurities, and infantile dinosaur sentiments and stereotypes imaginable, to the point that it's almost laughable that anyone outside of a Cartoon Network show or "Idiocracy" character could ever, or even have ever believed this nonsense to begin with.
As far as "doing well in other areas of the world", you used an Einstein quote several times; I find that ironic, since apparently you think that Einstein wasted his time on his intellectual endeavors, and ignored more productive life pursuits, such as dropping out of college, and fathering 10 babies with 10 different baby momma's by age 18.
According to the red-pill philosophy, "woke" men, i.e. "white knights" are thoroughly and universally disliked by women.
I'm glad that you defer yourself to what random Youtubers, many of them likely virgins, invoking a philosophy which is just a poor mans pop version of Frederick Nietzschean existentialism.
In that view, if a man buys into the feminist ideology, he will probably have to forsake sexual relationships.
You're going to need to define what you mean by "feminist ideology".
If you're mean some kind of radical feminism, a la Andrea Dworkin or Valerie Solanas (e.x. all sex is rape or "exploitation"), then that's basically what the "incels" or "MGTOW" or whatever they're called is, just radical anti-sexual feminism for men, so I suppose that's a given.
But sans that, either give specifics in regards to what you call "feminist ideology" or please stop wasting valuable time saying the same histrionic things over and over.
You're married guy who spends all your time watching YouTube videos and posting on philosophy forums, and bragging about being married to some plain Jane as though it's an actual accomplishment, sounds like the spitting definition of "white knight" to me.
Incels are deemed to be men who believe the falsehoods that (western) women say about themselves,
1. What falsehoods, and what makes them falsehoods without circular reasoning?
2. Why do you keep repeating the myth that only "Western" women do this and say that? Everything you've been shown, so far, as far as history is concerned when your romanticism for "non-Western" countries has been removed doesn't stand up to snuff or sound historical interpretation.
Much as much of what you're calling "feminism" has more to do with stereotypical, ubiquitous aspects of human nature which have always been around in some form or variety or another, whether or not there is or was anything specifically called "feminism", which marital or relational dysfunctions being documented in many ancient texts, whether the Bible, ancient Roman theater, or anything else.
and who therefore fail at achieving anything.
I don't believe that is the problem with "incels" no.
I've met guys who were into things as stereotypically dorky as "Brony" fandom, and managed to "get laid" with someone who had a similar interest, much as how many of the fellows to which your 'male feminist' stereotype applies are "married", albeit in many cases dysfunctional, and they or their wife sadly not taking rightful advantage of no-fault divorce laws; misery loves company, so I suppose some people would rather be miserably married than "alone", something again having no inherent relation to "feminism".
The primary problem with "incels" that I've heard or seen is that they are disturbed and primarily obsessed with "celebrity women", or stereotypically "hot chicks", sometimes in an almost John Hinkley Jr. like fashion.
Much as there is nothing remotely original or insightful about your "white knight" stereotypes, or the documented notion or phenomena of being "nice" in an unhealthy OCD or "legalistic" way either, it's been documented by many authors on psychology (e.x. No More Mr. Nice Guy).
Even then, if you were using this to advocate some type of moral nihilism, well according to you - you're a married guy who posts on a philosophy forum and watches YouTube videos, you are not a gangster, a rapist, or any of the "feral" masculinity you fantasize about (which, even more ironically, runs completely contradictory to your statements about "traditionalism", as you could easily argue that "religion", rather than or in addition to "feminism" makes men "effeminate" by encouraging "Western" notions such as chastity, marriage, committed relationships, instead of that 'feral', antisocial masculinity that you romanticize from the mobster movies or GTA video games that you play.
(Similar to how you complain about "divorce" rape, when most of the current, un-updated laws in relation to marriage or "divorce" are legal holdovers from the 19th century, predicated on stereotypes or assumptions about men being the sole or main income provider, and women working full-time jobs or careers being less common, so in many ways, that is more of a case of "traditionalism" or archaic "legalism" at work, rather than feminism).
So no, so far you've only demonstrated a long, incoherent rant predicated on irrationality and inconsistencies, which doesn't hold up to snuff.