• Parable of Gods relationship with Man,
    Ive read the allegory of the cave at least 4 or 5 times for classes lol. While the wording may sound similar it is in regards to true knowledge & discarding the shadows as reality. I am leading more towards the notion of the guiding hand of god while man slowly gains knowledge, thus losing him; rather than a restriction of mans ability to see the true knowledge then being shoved out the cave into the light
  • Parable of Gods relationship with Man,
    They are very different for various reasons. majoring in Phil, minor in Religious Studies. The main reason of difference Religious Studies is a specific school of Philosophy like science or the mathematics, political science or even astronomy. Philosophy & the history & development of thought casts a wide net over many subjects catching all manner of life in the sea. Religious Studies casts a rather small net, & a rather specific one to catch only a small pod of idea & thought.

    That is why i really wish to pursue this as my career, because the work is usually teaching the youth about this sort of thing, Government work, or even teaching those who will become great leaders in higher education is possible with this path in Uni. People need to continue the study & discussions that Philosophers old & new have been having, the pushing of new ideas & conversation are needed in society to move forward, especially as a young person to mold morals & ethical compasses to help guide the future.

    Again, as I stated in my post, I am looking for thoughts & opinions on my parable, not to be asked about my life choices & goals. To any & all who read please keep this in mind, cheers & hopefully this