• Does thinking take place in the human brain?
    Tend to consider the brain to be a correlatory expressor.
  • Medical Issues
    Hopefully they're good for you, don't know that there's ever purely a right thing to say for some things in life.
  • Medical Issues
    So maybe try things this way. Engage taste as an intellectual concept, an alternative form of structure undefined by enjoyment, you sat on the chair so the chair is there, as a thought/fact/concept of structure. Memorable in hedonistic fashion does not necessarily denote memorable by function. You have tried these things so the "knowledge" of their taste exists. Phrase thought in terms of "if I were feeling better what would I feel like" or "when I consider the current function of my body what do I remember that stands out to me at this moment", perhaps try this within different environments like at sunrise with one foot in the ocean and one in the sand, standing on your head, riding a horse facing backwards, lying on your back looking at a flower upside down, something that changes the standardised placement and pattern of thought for you. Frankly I'm no professional but this is what currently comes to mind for this. Perhaps too if you have mechanised the function of eating to that degree then try standing looking at sections of food when shopping and see what catches your eye for longest for any unknown reason. If you have tried it in some manner before buy it. Look it up and see what you think of the history. Find some recipe that contains it then make it, you've got to eat anyway so who cares. Just don't buy all the chips, lollies and soda that catch your eye and bear in mind any medications you're on.
  • Medical Issues
    Have you ever sat back and contemplated what food you crave right now? I mean just seriously run through your taste memory for both individual items and complete meals? I admit to being curious what your answers to this would be right now with you having long covid however don't feel you have to put them here. If you do this for yourself you might find it worthwhile backtracking the ethnobotany for your results. Not saying hoe in just saying maybe worth considering.
  • The Last Word
    Soil reinforcing don't know how valid that would be for you regarding this however they're developing coir versions and various options for that these days.
  • Systemic racism in the US: Why is it happening and what can be done?
    This may overlap with comments from others as I'm not currently going to choose to read the entirety of this thread and if so my apologies however my first thought regarding this was was psychological assessment via bodycam footage and situational awareness and response retraining for all extreme or unusually/excessively violent responses within the work structured realm of duty. With the potential to work their way through the environmental structure of the force. This would be a mamoth task. I'm no professional but what this would seem to say about the internal structure of the police force is not pretty. This doesn't even count the fact that people attracted to certain types of power frequently gravitate towards professions that enable it.
  • Evolution of Logic
    This hurts, this does not hurt. This action seems to make my point, this does not. This tastes good, this does not. Something basic but still very subjective that to me can result in various forms that could be considered a logical form in one way or another. But socialisation varies. Perceptual type and degree vary due sometimes to physical format as well as socialisation, to use an extreme example take synesthesia, however studies have been done regarding the degree to which an individual is capable of recognising the facial features of another. By my perspective of the human body it is probable that were we to research in the correct form we would find that there are probably degrees to every known aspect of our physical existence. I consider individuality to exist in probability of this, normative socialisation or not. I have seen, heard or been a part of conversations where both parties could have been seen to have been using a form of logical process however the thought processes between both parties were so inately different that the conversation was mythological, ultimately completely non-communicative. Sometimes this seems to result in deep frustration however sometimes people seem to part ways without ever realising this.
  • What are you listening to right now?
    When it comes to more traditionally to type classical music I have found I more frequently prefer things done more in the lower registers with perhaps lighter highlights. I enjoy the resonance I think whereas I often find interpretation of the lighter range jarring.
  • The Homophone Game!
    Yeah, to be fair I wasn't sure how much that would count. Seem to think that would be close with the right accent and sobriety level.
  • The Homophone Game!
    The cheery cherry was cherry, cherry red and full of sherry. ( :brow: )
  • The Homophone Game!
    This is the digital version of the digit Al is waving
  • The Homophone Game!
    To try fling a trifle is trifling. ?
  • Ideas for during quarantine
    Blanket, Book :grin: though who knows given the nature of this place you still might not be bored
  • Ideas for during quarantine
    Perhaps pom pom chrysanthemums, brain celosia and lambs ear however that doesn't seem right and whilst it would be texturally interesting presupposing they would grow well together I'm fairly sure it would stink.
  • Ideas for during quarantine
    I was tempted to try to grow something in theme with this Night sky petunia however nothing really comes to mind to match it. Petunias would not normally be my thing but if I could find the right things to match it could be good.
  • Happy Star Wars day everyone!!
    Not so much of a Star Wars geek really. I quite like me a good wookie noise. Entertaining. May the 4th be with you though.
  • Is 'information' a thing?
    But this perspective misses an important "fundamental", and that is the cause of these fundamental things existing in these specific relations. Metaphysician Undercover
    Thanks for this, I think this touches on something I had been considering that had been bothering me but my head had been fuzzing around.
  • What are you listening to right now?
    Apocalyptica livestreaming may 14th apparently
  • #IsoIsolation
    More, to do with the Getty challenge Getty of course if you're not in the mood for societies social input at the moment you should probably not look. Also you may never want to see the portrait of the girl with a pearl earring again.
  • Ideas for during quarantine
    https://coviz.apps.allenai.org/jnlpba/?d=jnlpba&l=40&ftm=57 currently so over my head it's actually ridiculous however maybe we'll see.
  • Problem solving thread
    I'm adding in:
    Long pepper
    Evening primrose
    Zinziber zerumbet
  • Problem solving thread
    Localised language, hadn't really considered beyond a pot and a towel though looking for that many herbs could be considered something to do for some people these days and a bath full of plants has a certain textural entertainment value. The placebo effect can have great value in and of itself. Horseradish is something I would rather eat than bathe in personally though I might be tempted to try to use it to clear the nose sometime.
  • Problem solving thread
    I have been contemplating the validity of some traditional medicines used as a steam bath within the current times. I have looked at some of what I could find on potential interleukin response however do not have the correct scientific knowledge to truly know what to look at without extensive research. So, bearing in mind health concerns (i.e. pregnancy, liver conditions etc..)
    Comments regarding the following:
    Bay leaves
    Tree onion (A c var proliferum)
    Greek oregano
    Greek sage
    Mexican oregano
    Chicory root