• How did consciousness evolve?
    1. I know that out of many private conversations. There where a couple of popular science books and movies about trees, who have drawn a false picture.

    2. When I stay in this metaphor, I would think about consioussnes not about the railroad but about the velocity of the train. We still have railroads without a train but we don´t have velocity.

    3. That´s a very good question and unfortounaly human brains aren´t able to answer it.
  • How did consciousness evolve?
    I didn´t say that anybody in the world can explain consiousness... The only thing I said is that we can proof that it´s conected with nervous systems and the brain in perticular.
  • How did consciousness evolve?
    We have plenty of proof that consiousness is an Expression of central nervous Systems. Ofcorse you can have experience with braindamage, but you will lose the experience from the part of the brain that is dead. We don't have any proof for other consiousness and it doesn't makes scence.
  • How did consciousness evolve?
    I don´t mean that consiousness has to be complex for the observer, ofcorse it started on a very simple point. I mean it evolves at a much more complex point then communication.
  • How did consciousness evolve?
    Ofcorse, this was an oversimplified statement. But I think we can agree that consiousness has something to do with the nervous system? I mean when you damage your brain you damage your consiousness.
  • How did consciousness evolve?
    That´s a very esoteric view. We have no way to think that consiousness is at the basis of anything. We do know that animals have consioussnes. Making that statement is as scientific as to say pink unicorns exist on the backside of the moon.
  • How did consciousness evolve?
    I think it´s pretty obvious. It´s a sideeffect of neurons firing information.


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