Coronavirus I don't think we need to fall to one extreme or the other, either completely ignoring it or full blown lockdown, but that we should be smart about how we treat it. While it may not be the deadliest virus out there, it is still contagious and can cause potential health problems for many people which we can't ignore. We also need to worry about what the shutdown is doing to families and individuals who are out of work, money, and struggling to pay for food and shelter. Stimulus checks are a very temporary solution, and as we all know $1200 doesn't last long. I think that we need to observe social distancing, avoid travel and contact with others whenever possible, and limit the amount of people allowed in buildings (restaurants, stores, etc.). This would limit exposure and allow for people to keep jobs and basic income. It is important for us to keep updated though, this is always constantly changing around us and the information available is always expanding. So use good judgement, stay up to date, and be precautionary where possible.