• Least favorite moderators?
    Some mod deleted my thread. I am angry. If I meet that person in real life, I will delete them! Send them on their way back to God for their treachery. Not really.
  • High IQ Societies
    Here is a test for you, astronomy, physics and spectroscopy. What do you think? I'm a student.

    Dimensions just means different layers of things happening. The pattern of light and dark is just another pattern of vibration, when an electron spins around the proton or the nucleus, it’s not a set orbit where it will just be a perfect circle all around matter and produce this little cloud of whatever around the proton. No, it is going to expand or contract. So, the rate of expansion and collapse is actually oscillation, it’s a frequency set forth that actually identities that type of atom. When it shoots out light in a certain pattern, then now all you need to do is look at the color, that color is the frequency of that light. Science now figured that out, now they can figure out the chemical constituency of some planets or stars based on their light patterns, which is measuring light which is a type of frequency or a type of resonance or oscillation. When you understand the signature of that light, you can break it down into what % is this chemical, what % is that chemical. That is what known as spectroscopy. When you understand the spectroscopy, you’re basically looking for the light pattern, when you actually find the connection of what elements emits what light, you can find that pattern of the light within the spectrum of light that actually comes out, then you can figure out what it is made of and what is the universe made of. It is nothing more than oscillation, vibration and frequency as they stretch the light apart and then they see the spectrum of that light, then scientists see the dark bands and the different bands of light. Now they can classify things within the universe. Looking far away is no different than looking close by if you know what to look for. Because there is consistency within the patterns of the matter that is producing the light. There is no difference, you can look away to see that same pattern, now you know what it’s made of, it is the same looking close.

    Every piece of matter has its own nature and its own oscillations of light and dark. It produces photons that shoot out at a certain rate, and you also have dark spots when it contracts. So, if it shoots out at a certain rate, if you understand certain atoms producing molecules, then they produce a certain light spectrum. Once you actually find that light spectrum from that type of molecule, you can look for the same pattern in the universe. If you find that pattern, you can know what that star or space or planet is made of what. Same is in the universe as it is on this planet. Only thing that is different is the properties given by that light and certain other quantum aspects based upon the size of the galaxy. Each galaxy has a different set of numbers for their size and what the physics would act like. The size of a galaxy also determines what their physics will be able to do. Each galaxy has a slightly different set of physics. If you understand that aspect of galactic physics, what that means is that every galaxy determines its own matter and the spin of its own light, based on its own size, so the physics will be slightly different. It will not be the same as ours, but you will have to see how that plays out.
  • I feel insignificant, so small, my life is meaningless
    How about expecting nothing of yourself? Instant joy, bliss, pleasantness. Life is about doing what is needed. No body and no thing, nobody and nothing, is boundless, limitless. How is that an insult or something to feel depressed about? There is nothing special about you and I and every human. You and I and everyone else do not matter, we are just little pieces of creation. What you do with your life is what makes you special. Life itself is already super freaking special. How about just working with the normalness of the piece of life that you are? People are so ordinary they are special. If you want to be extra/more special than that, I would have to call you the R word in mental illness and disability context lol.
  • The Divine Slave
    I'll share my opinion. I don't identify as being a mystic or anything, just a regular guy happen to be like a hermit or a monk dwelling in my chamber in my free time lol. Slaves are expendable. You use your intelligence, not your brain. Brain makes you stupid. Your mind only covers the dimension of the brain, and maybe a little bit around it. Consciousness or whatever you want to name the very nature of things itself is a point of no dimension. Consciousness has no gender. Hard for the mind to perceive consciousness because the brain has a dimension, but consciousness does not have a dimension. I am not a credible source, I am a nobody and nothing.

    Afterall, Jesus was all rebel and such. Teaching empowerment through love was rebel stuff back then in Jesus’s time. Your greatest teachers may not be the most pleasant. True teachers are not meant to make you feel comfortable. Billions turn to Jesus as a teacher, yet they know not that in his lifetime, Jesus did not have a permanent place of his own. He was constantly surfing from house to house. Going around living and spending time with the criminals, teaching the criminals to become better. Jesus was a rebel, everything he did was rebel stuff in his day. Teaching empowerment through love was rebel stuff back then, and Jesus did exactly that. His students carried swords, one guy even cut another guy's ear off. And Jesus went around with those type of people in his lifetime. Would you want a guy like that to be your teacher with this knowing?

    Does it make a person feel better if Jehoshua/Yeshua/Jesus was brown or white or black or blue or red or green or purple or gold? Jesus is actually human born from premarital relations between Joseph and Mary. And take a guess what language those people spoke already. What does it matter what color he was or what language he spoke? It’s his message that counts. The guy died nailed to a wooden cross at the age of 33. His mission of coming here was different than you and I. He came because he wanted to experience human suffering for himself. He had his own reasons for being here, as do you and me. He did not come here to die for you or me. Jesus didn’t do any magic like healing people. He only taught the way. It’s the religious zealots making things sound overblown. Then you got the Romans. Making people believe weird stuff. If people find it hard to be within their own light even though it’s been there all the while, jeez. You are for you to treat. It’s for you to discover. Your actions by choice and decided upon by you. Once you figure that you only need to decide how to treat yourself, all things within your life gets reconciled.

    Your human self is stupid because it is unconscious. There is more to self than higher. Think for yourself. People are slave to the material world’s so-called masters. Slave to desire. Slave to their own illusions. Lover of slave and victim mentality. Talking about material comforts is slave thinking. Completely indoctrinated slaves. Living life as a slave and not realize the state of slavery people themselves set in motion. Constantly thinking they have nothing. Because slaves have nothing. They only depend on having and serving a master as their one and only reality. That is willingly being a slave. It is because people are always wanting a master to give their slave butts some direction. People are afraid to think for themselves, afraid their slave existence might go up in smoke. I tell their slave butts the key to break the chains and their slave mind keeps looking for a master to come save them from their illusory framework. If that sounds dumb of someone to do, it is exactly why they think they are stupid, doubting themselves and clouding their mind. People have been shown their tools and yet they still want to be a slave. People were like this even back then. People followed the merchants, royals, military leaders, religious leaders, and political leaders instead of ancient spiritual masters, sages, ancient yogis, ancient monks, mystics who offered themselves as teachers. Buddha and Jesus being among them.

    So, get ready slave mentality holder. A slave to socio-cultural pressures, fossil pressures, etc. I tell people to think for yourself and master yourself. Think about what slaves do and you will set your own slave mentality. The spiritual master known as Jesus in his love came to show others their chains as slaves, shown people the tools to become free of slave mentality. That is the light of complete unconditional love. And yet they go and say he cannot do that. Because he has stepped into taboo that you can’t be with God as a master of self. And thus, are stuck with the slave of God mentality when God wants humans to access his light through knowing and mastering self. Why worship. What is worship. It means to serve. True service is that of love.

    Slaves are expendable. You use your intelligence, not your brain. Brain makes you stupid. Limitless reality is limited by what is the rules of physics. The universe in all of its layers of dimensionality, life or the very nature of things itself is the most limitless form of the physics, but when it becomes conscious within itself, it must define itself, then it is already limited. Because its limited, it is reaching back towards the unlimited. From that basic primordial aspect, role of creation is to actually explore from creation the limitless possibility, also means nothing. Our universe is surrounded and engulfed with nothing. Surrounded by nothing, surrounded by unlimited potential, therefore like a cell within a dimension being covered and surrounded by that dimension which is absolutely nothing.

    It is a cell within that medium. The universe might be a single cell, like a blood cell floating around in the blood stream. To the blood cell, the blood stream feels unlimited, doesn’t it? But the blood cell does not know that the blood stream is limited, because it keeps cycling through doing the same thing over again, limitless possibility within limited space or limited medium. That bubble is the observable universe, what we cannot see that is stoking the limitless potential of our imagination. Imagine the limits of this universe can be seen as a little bubble but we know nothing beyond it, nothing beyond it. Beyond what we can see that is this universe is nothing, because we do not know. As it gets to the edge of observation, then that nothing becomes something.

    Beyond what you can perceive is absolutely nothing, what you do not know. That is why nothing means I do not know, the unlimited possibilities. If you were to become nothing, you would actually reap the powers of all of creation and all of potential. That is how you will know how the very nature of things itself happens to be, nothing. Radical thinking, believe it or not, means thinking beyond the box, not outside the box. Thinking beyond the limitations of thinking.

    Slave service is the fear of something perceived as greater than self. Keep at it slave. Sadhguru is also a slave to Shiva, why do you think he says Shiva’s name out loud so much? Why do you see him shouting and saying Shiva’s name all the time? Sadhguru is not a monotheist, does he sound like a theist of any kind to you? He is not an atheist. Want to know why? He is not stupid like most people. The desire to serve self in a self-imposed illusion of inert slavery. You are also a slave to your own fears. And not realize the divinity inside. People still have no idea how to use their free will. That is how dark ones can bonk you from behind, like feed you fantastic imaginings then sell you off to slavery somewhere. Dim ones fall for such illusions. Keep yourself grounded. Trust your own cognition.
  • Mysticism: Why do/don’t you care?
    Here, I'll share. The Hermetic sciences/school, taught through word of mouth in a mentor-apprentice manner throughout the millenniums. I identify as nobody and nothing. No body and no thing. I expect nothing or no thing. Not an insult to me. Nothing is boundless, limitless. I am not a credible source, I'm just a nobody and nothing. Real deal or nah? You ponder for yourself lolol. Not easy to teach these concepts to people who lack the foundational learning and are not even interested in exploring on their own. To begin the foundational learning is initiation into that knowledge. As you explore and discover the concepts inside of your mind, you begin to experience and understand those concepts. Living the concept so to speak. If you were to become nothing, you would actually reap the powers of all of creation and all of potential. That is how you will know how the very nature of things itself happens to be, nothing.

    Radical thinking, believe it or not, means thinking beyond the box, not outside the box. Thinking beyond the limitations of thinking. To work with understanding things the way they are without the aspect of falling into belief pattern is very hard to do. Only hard when you’re thinking all the damn time. When you’re not thinking it’s not hard at all. Intelligence awakens but you don’t have to use it to think ALL THE TIME. Life is about doing what is needed. If you were to ask Thoth/Hermes Trismegistus a question, he would put his fingers to his lips and just go shh. Shh. Every time he was asked questions. Shh. But Thoth... Shh. I want to know... Shh. what the f*** Thoth... Shh. I don't think unless I need to, otherwise I am practicing stillness. Slowing down my mind through stillness, not stopping it. I'd be dead if my mind and body stopped, slowing it down by not thinking is different. My current record of sitting still without moving is in low double digit hours. Nothing compared to the ancient yogis and sages of the east, including the ones around today.

    One guy had his brain activity measured by scientists, then he entered into stillness, and scientists said according to their instrument's readings, the guy was declared clinically brain dead from the lack of brain activity being measured. Then he just opened his eyes and started talking to the scientists. Same guy can drive 18-20 hours a day. The great thing about mysticism is that it is so simple yet complex at the same time. That is why it’s amazing. And a study throughout the ages. Why do people centuries after mystics died, still read, and study their ancient teachings or works? Understanding that will gain a person access to the wisdom of The All. That is why The All cannot be understood by limited minds, it’s amazing and fascinating and frustrating all at once.

    People think of control when they think of these teachings. That is why people are so naïve. They are not adept at it so why control it? You are a part of it, why not learning how to be part of it? It is like learning how to walk for the first time. You needed to learn the nature of your goal and began to refine the process while you are focus on staying upright. It is the same idea when you begin to achieve things. You must understand the concept. Then you refine the process. Before things get into a certain mode. Then you refine more as you gain more understanding. And then you get more skillful. Then you refine the process more and turn skill into wisdom. Then mix skill to the wisdom and refine further. And so, on and so forth.

    Let's say you start reading a technical book or textbook like physics or science of your choice. To initiate yourself into that knowledge just means starting the foundational learning. Very few can initiate themselves. Even the Buddha and Jesus and others have teachers. Get the information, absorb it and then put it to practice. You are the one to decide your learnedness, through your own experience. And how you get initiated into the knowledge. You don’t need a church to connect to the very nature of things, be smart. That intelligence is already present inside of you, keeping you alive within your intelligent body. Already there, always listening, already knows what you need. When you believe you have been initiated it means you are being dumb like everyone else who needs to belong to something. These initiations are only due to people wanting to protect their ideas and therefore push you to official initiation BS, so think about it. You are part of nature, why would you need to be initiated? You just learn and awaken to the truth of natural law. Just so you know. Do you feel initiated after you read the Kybalion 1908 edition or Thoth's tablets? There is no initiation when it comes to learning the natural laws. You are already a part of the laws.
  • All About UFOs
    Those are nothing more than mere "light shows" put on for the humans to go "oooooooh what is that!" like a child does. Humans are the freaking aliens to this planet. Out of nowhere in the last few "seconds" of this planet's evolutionary clock history, humans popped up out of no where and became the dominant species of life on the planet. Billions of years of work in the happening, until 200,000 years ago, then suddenly "intervention" through genetic splicing and genetic expression, poof humans appear and dominate suddenly in a very very short time compared to every other species today.

    We're the aliens buddy lol. Don't let your mind and imagination slip into hallucination and delusion after illusion. What you don't know is stoking your limitless imagination. Real easy to slip into madness and mental illness that way.
  • Mysticism: Why do/don’t you care?
    I wrote a whole free 40-50+ page ebook teaching beginner-level and basic teachings, using my understanding of Hermeticism. I don't know how many people are being taught the "real" thing through mentor-apprentice like the old days, but happy to share tiny portions of what I know and what I am being taught. Discern and cognize for yourself. Start thinking for yourself. Happy to post if people want it.

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