• On Antinatalism
    Ive changed my mind, antinatalism is an evil and satanic ideology which should never be promoted. It is anti life, it is anti God, it is anti christian.
  • On Antinatalism

    Are you against assisted suicide in all cases as well? Or would you allow such thing if the pain is simply too much to bear for someone and there is no possible improvement or even cure?
  • On Antinatalism
    Parents always think their child will have a perfect, or good life, or atleast a better life than they had. But this isnt necessarily true, or not true at all. Many humans have an optimism bias, which is delusional, but a survival mechanism. Yes i think suicide is not necessarily irrational. Especially if it really doesnt get better for years, but rather worse. Especially in cases of horrible illnesses and disabilities.
  • On Antinatalism

    Are you aware that schopenhauer was an antinatalist?
  • On Antinatalism
    Its obvious that life is full of suffering, no one can deny this. There is much more suffering than pleasure in life. Think of the many possible disabilities, illnesses, and other great pains in life. Now think of the relatively few things that give pleasure in life. Even healthy and wealthy people suffer in life. But if youre disabled or chronically ill its much worse. And there is always a chance your child is born severely disabled or becomes severely disabled. And then there are wars, famine, hunger, violence, abuse, rape and many more bad things. Thats why it is immoral to bring life into this world full of suffering.