• Communism is the perfect form of government
    To answer the proposition at the beginning of this thread. We dont know! simple.
  • Communism is the perfect form of government
    single party dictatorships the west calls communism and the dictatorships call communism because it adds legitimacy are not anything like communism as written by the people who expounded the theory. Thats the problem its only a theory.
  • Communism is the perfect form of government
    Any form of dictatorship is NOT communism. Single party dictatorships are NOT communism even if the west likes to call it that. Historical fact its never been tried. Simple.
  • Communism is the perfect form of government
    Thanks this book and others makes my point for me. Neither democracy or communism can work properly until we "grow up".
  • Communism is the perfect form of government
    I should have added In modern post industrial revolution society. sorry.
  • Communism is the perfect form of government
    First of all no non totalitarian form of communism has ever been tried. The ethos of communism is the opposite of dictatorship, we are simply not grown up enough to try it. No democratic system has been tried either, if you think you live in a democracy in the USA or I do in the UK, I would simply ask do you honestly feel the "democratic" mechanisms of left right party politics truly reflect the needs, aspirations and fears of the majority. If yes then I feel happy for you.
  • Communism is the perfect form of government
    I voted yes based on greed and selfishness being minimised. As humans are inherently selfish to some degree, we humans would have to "grow up" for true communism to work. Raging commercialism, corporate greed plus political self serving are screwing everyone and the planet.
  • Do we have an unailenable right to reproduce?
    This is the million dollar question. Human kind has broken the cycle of natural causes, the biggest of these being the eradication (mostly) of TB which was the biggest killer by far. We are now super locusts which have no effective predators or biological control (even covid only kills 1 in several hundred, in the UK less than 1/1000.) We are the victims of our own resilience. As to our right to breed, even economic barriers seem unable to control us so we must reduce birth rate, although how is something we will never be able to agree on. Religion, economic imperialism and straight forward selfishness will confound any efforts to control us. Bottom line I dont think we have a right to breed; however I see no practical way of controlling us.
  • Could aliens look exactly like us not by chance but necessity?
    It could be argued that has dinosaurs not been made extinct they , in 65 million, years could have evolved well beyond our feeble minds. This planet supports millions of life forms, I do not think our physiology is the only one that could support mental ability, Dolphins are a case in point.