• I don't exist because other people exist

    Presentism: "the view that only present things exist".
    Can I be sure I exist if the only prove I have of it is my own consciousness?

    I can't prove I don't exist, can I? However, if other people can't prove that I exist, could I do it?
  • I don't exist because other people exist

    As a language example: if a majority of people start writing "bottle" as "botle", there will come a time when "botle" is the correct term. The same happens with the meaning of some words.

    But then, of course (now I see), we cannot take this same process to the existencial department, cause a word is not conscious.

    Maybe the absurd of it is its appeal for me. Like that book by Dostoievski, "Notes from Underground". Does the underground man exist? or needs to?
  • I don't exist because other people exist

    Maybe "existence" was an exaggerated term. Maybe it would make more sense if I had said: "existence is the capacity of making yourself worth of something", but then I would not be referring to existence at all.

    I do not exist for those who will never know of my existence. If nobody knows of my existance, do I exist?, or do I matter? Life is all around me, but it doesn't acknowledge my existence, because it does not need to. Do I exist if I'm the only one who knows of my existence?

    (maybe I recognize it doesn't make any sense)
  • I don't exist because other people exist

    That seems more like it.

    Maybe now we can start a discussion
  • I don't exist because other people exist
    I see. And now I can't say I like the way I wrote it, or what I wrote. I'll try to delete this and write it again, this time with more self consciousness about what I'm saying.