Fame, and the responsibilities that may come with it
The language type you present us with here is passionate which is cool. But I'm unsure how to categorize it. It seems too straight-forward. You miss something, I'm afraid. As you may know my interests these days are limited to four language types. Could you please make some statement that are either boring, wimpish/bizarre, full of yourself or surrealistic within the subject of fame? Let's laugh a bit! Let me try...
1. Boring language
"Are you familiar with The Sword of Damocles myth?"
2. Bizarre, wimpish language
"Famous people have too much power over their tone in this global village of ours. In some sense people of fame are stuck with their tone. Interesting!"
3. Full of himself-language
"We humans seek and deserve recognition, not fame. We humans seek and derserve a welfare society, not a lot of money in our bank accounts."
4. Surrealistic language
"Personality is everything." (Charlie Chaplin)
There's certainly something nice about watching a Brad Pitt movie because his personality is so big. Also, this sentence presents us with memorable language because it points to a surrealistic fact:
Aside from bringing recognizion to the individual, fame seems to enforce a role of leadership to those who have it. — Alejandro
This post is a preliminary investigation. I'm not sure it'll ever end. We must act and talk as philosophical authorities but we must limit ourselves to those four language types because they are manageable and entertaining. We must be disciplined. So far we have not produced much memorable language, Alejandro.