• Where do babies come from?
    I thought they were delivered by storks to their parents?
  • Processed meat is Group1 carcinogen, yet prevalent
    From a health perspective, this is absolutely true.
  • Processed meat is Group1 carcinogen, yet prevalent
    This is a really interesting topic for me. I'm ethically vegan and have been for just over 2 and a half years.

    I never make the case for veganism based on health grounds. There are plenty of 'vegan' diets that are filled with junk foods. You could definitely argue for a wholefood plant based diet which is arguably one of the healthiest diets you can maintain, but veganism is not healthy in and of itself.

    In terms of the point the OP made about the prevalence of red/processed meat in our society despite the growing knowledge about the health implications. I think the culture industry, propagated by powerful advertising and marketing strategies has such a powerful influence over the subconscious purchasing choices of the average consumer that they will continue to purchase these products despite the risks. And of course the products are made to be extremely savoury, usually by adding additives and flavourings which only often only add to the health risk.

    Of course, the group most at risk are the working class (or least paid class of people), which only makes the problem all the more tragic.


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