• Money is an illusion to hide the fact that you're basically a slave to our current system.

    Your understanding with our current knowledge about logic fails. This means that you simply can't comprehend the fact that i exist, just because you were programmed to think that way.
  • Money is an illusion to hide the fact that you're basically a slave to our current system.

    I'm talking about a fact, which would break the world and our undestanding as we know it.
    If true is actually true. One could call such a thing "Absolute truth". Meaning that my way of thinking logically would be the most optimal way of thinking when it comes to logic.
  • Money is an illusion to hide the fact that you're basically a slave to our current system.
    If this is a fact. One can only assume one thing.There is a logical explanation to everything, which means that at a certain point logic comes to conclusion and can't be used as a way to reason our existence anymore, because the fact that one could think like this makes it not a possibility. Meaning we can't reason our existence, because we can't believe if our logic can ever be true.
  • Money is an illusion to hide the fact that you're basically a slave to our current system.
    If a fact is a fact no matter what, there is no way for anything to be true, because it could be proven otherwise once intelligence develops high enough that a definition of thing is changed. Nothing can be true, because there is no way for an individual to know why it exists. Universe is far too complex and perfect for a single mind to understand everything it has to offer. Because if you come to the end of the universe. You have amassed all the knowledge you can. You still can't be sure that everything you know at that point is a fact. Meaning an assumption can be made that would explain that everything has to have a reason for it to happen, because if this wasn't true there would be no reason for universe to exist, meaning that nothing actually matters if even our universe doesn't matter and that is the most complex thing we can possibly imagine. If there has to be a reason for something to happen. This would imply that there is a reason for your existence, meaning there is a possibility that you could learn the fact of why you exist meaning a fact has to be a fact no matter what meaning that something is true in it's truest possible sense. Meaning that everything is what it is, because it is so.
  • What is Past?
    Why do farmers save seeds from one harvest for the coming year?TheMadFool

    You can always grow more from a single seed. Same goes for Humanity. We're pretty much biologically coded to mate and grow an offspring. That is the reason why we've got where we are now. Grow faster than our older generation perishes.

    Do you see where I'm going wrong?TheMadFool

    I understand what you're meaning. It is a hard concept indeed. Basically we're all unique, but basically we're not.
  • What is Past?
    What relevance this has to your thesis is not yet clear to me.TheMadFool

    Well, I think of it like this. Humans are nothing but data that has evolved far enough to obtain life. This would mean that you only become a human after your birth. Some would argue against this, but you can't really call an embryo being human. At that point you're just data trying to form life. It's quite a hard topic and my English might not be good enough to explain it clearly.

    everyone is identical before our histories diverge and produce unique worldlines in spacetime.TheMadFool

    If we go by the theory that says we came from Adam and Eve. Adam and eve must've come from a single person, a God, which created Humanity from a scratch. We are not yet sure how our beginning actually went. Each one of us has the same biological roots, but we've evolved so far from that point, that we were able to obtain uniqueness in Humanity. Uniqueness only evolves from normalcy with enough time. Are we unique enough as we are, or do we still need to evolve further to actually say we're unique human beings. For now we simply feel quite similar with only few differences that differentiate ourselves from other human beings.
  • What is Past?
    does it mean that everyone is identical at the moment we're born and a few moments after?TheMadFool

    I believe our history starts from the moment we're being fucked to existence. Your being was the one who wanted to win the race of sperm. You have been a winner, from the moment you were born. Being a winner gives you the right to create your history, as it is said, history is a tale written by winners. Your genes begin from the moment when you as a sperm reach the egg. We don't have enough information on the subject, but this is what I believe to be the case.

    I like to look at it as if it's a journeyTheMadFool

    I agree with this one. We are all on a journey to something greater. We might now know what that greatness is, but we need to survive until that moment happens, when our existence becomes relevant. That moment is when your journey actually begins. Everything before that moment is just a tutorial in life, teaching you all the necessary skills to survive in the world.

    The moment when your existence becomes relevant is quite interesting. For me it was a psychosis, which taught me a lot of different things. Everything just became clear in my head, as if our lives are predetermined from the beginning. You might have the illusion of choice in life, but in reality you're just part of a bigger organism called Humanity. You have your place in the history of humankind, which has been predetermined from the moment before you were even born.
  • What is Past?

    Interesting quote. Past is certainly changing with every action we take. You can't change the Past, but you can always make more of it. As long as we're alive, our history keeps on growing.
  • What is Past?

    It is super interesting indeed. It's intriguing how much our Past defines us. We wouldn't be the men and women we are nowadays, without experiencing exact same experiences that we have had this lifetime. Maybe in the future, we will be able to live multiple lives, meaning we could make ourselves anything we want, due to the knowledge of Past. Interesting times we're living for sure.
  • What is Past?
    His nature (his common and personal instincts for a few) directs him to have certain priorities in life to be achieved.KerimF

    I agree. We always compare ourselves to others, while also taking good ways to act to our own ways of acting. We are ever evolving species with unlimited thirst for knowledge. Some knowledge is good, but some knowledge can be harmful as well. This is why it is important to learn what kind of actions are good from a very young age. Sadly some humans are forced to grow under bad influence, which then affects their future choices.
  • What is Past?

    Discussion is never a waste of time. You always learn something new.
  • What is Past?
    I'm fully aware during these episodes and hence my conclusion that it's nonsenseTheMadFool

    Have you spoken to someone during these trance-like state? I'm wondering if your mind makes you think that they're nonsense, because if you don't have other peoples opinion, your mind easily plays tricks on you.
  • What is Past?

    Quite interesting. I can relate to what you're saying. My memory is super good, it's like watching video, when i'm recalling my past events. It's also scary, once you dwell too deep into your memories. I also had a clairvoyant period couple of weeks ago. I can only say that it was super weird.

    Do you mind explaining a little bit more about your visions etc.? I'm quite interested in hearing more.
  • What is Past?
    it is too easy to live in the past and miss the opportunity of the creative possibilities.Jack Cummins

    I agree with you. It is way too easy to dwell on Past mistakes and make them bigger issues than they actually are. Greatness comes from learning of your past and using it to your advantage. We should not be trapped in the Past, but use it to our advantage. Only then can we realize the greatness that is within every one of us.

    The experience we have do affect us so much on a subconscious level as to be able to destroy us if we allow it.Jack Cummins

    I've seen many people destroy their lives, by thinking too much into the past. Even i've been there. It is not a beautiful sight to see someone crumble under the weight of their past. Gladly we have good psychiatrist, which can help those who've had a horrible past. Future is always more important than past and Present is the most important of the three.
  • Just a few theories i've been thinking of about Humanity.
    given mission was considered capital sin and punishableGus Lamarch

    I think it was also a honor, to create something like the great pyramids. No matter if it was made by slaves or employed labor. These are great examples of how great Humanity actually is. Once we unite into doing something, it is a glory to witness.

    We tend to underestimate the people of the pastGus Lamarch

    I've seen many documentaries, which defy all logic. Ancient civilization had very basic computers and a lot of high end technology for their times. I wonder where all that knowledge got lost over time. Maybe something happened in the past, which is not recorded in our history books.
  • Just a few theories i've been thinking of about Humanity.
    Reconstruction of how we believe the pyramids looked like during ancient Egypt:Gus Lamarch

    It truly is gorgeous. Wish we could see the pyramids in the age of their glory. Would be a magnificent sight for sure.

    the Pharaoh - would ascend to the heavens and become a God.Gus Lamarch

    This is something i've been wondering about as well. It must have been rough labor work to create such a magnificent structure, just to bury a dead body. Were they made by slaves, or did the nation come together to build them. Hopefully we'll know more about the pyramids in the Future.
  • Just a few theories i've been thinking of about Humanity.

    Money used to have value in gold. Nowadays that is not the case. Global economy is based on the sole reason that we give value to money. Binary 1 means money has value, binary 0 means it has no value. We are just printing money these days.
  • Just a few theories i've been thinking of about Humanity.
    Nanotechnology seems to be all the rage or so I'm led to believe.TheMadFool

    Nanotechnology is the future for sure. It is quite interesting to see how small we can actually go.

    I need to get a life :sad:TheMadFool

    You have a life, we all do. Not doing anything is just as good as doing something.

    What's the difference between my empty box and the trillion dollars I was talking about?TheMadFool

    Your empty box has more value, if money becomes worthless. At least a box has value, because it is an object. Money is just numbers based on binary. Money only has value, as long as its binary stays 1 instead of 0.
  • Just a few theories i've been thinking of about Humanity.

    Sorry for the late reply, had some life that had to be done :D
  • Just a few theories i've been thinking of about Humanity.
    You only have to take a look at history to see that those who allegedly matter the most are individuals who contribute more than just selfishly amassing wealthMSC

    That is true. It doesn't matter if you're wealthy, if you're not using that wealth to benefit humanity. Only by benefiting Humanity, can you make a name for yourself in the history of Humanity.
  • Just a few theories i've been thinking of about Humanity.
    That bigger is better is an old, now obsolete, mindset.TheMadFool

    Exactly, now we are making everything as small as possible. Back then humans tried to create structures as big as possible.

    If someone promised you a trillion dollars on the condition that you can't use it, would you take it?TheMadFool

    Yes I would. I would then choose a worthy human to give it to. Unless giving it away means using it.
  • Just a few theories i've been thinking of about Humanity.
    Have you read much on memetics? The idea that replicable information drives the evolution of human culture has been around for a few decades now.Kenosha Kid

    No i have not. Thank you for sharing, will definitely check it out.
  • Is it weird being afraid of humanity?
    This is odd. The amount of humans required to do any task is surely shrinking.Kenosha Kid

    But humanity is growing, while our need for work is shrinking.
  • Is it weird being afraid of humanity?

    Language is weird. It is but a way, to transmit data between us, which has been divided due to individuality.
  • Is it weird being afraid of humanity?
    It would collapse global economy, just like that. Are we sure we want to rely on it? Shouldn't we have more say in it?
  • Is it weird being afraid of humanity?
    Lets talk about overpopulation and technological advancement. Days are blending, consciousness is increasing, We all act based on a single argument, which is, Money either has value, or doesn't have value. Simplest way to interpret universe, a Bit. Ones and zeros.
  • Is it weird being afraid of humanity?
    Let's add a little bit more to the hypothesis. We are growing a pyramid, which is supposed to distribute wealth to humans, but the top of the pyramid is acting greedy with resources. When the pyramid is turned around, the mass collapses under it's own weight
  • Clock of life, thought experiment.
    Thank you for your time.Gus Lamarch

    Thanks for your time as well.
  • Clock of life, thought experiment.
    If he is all-powerful, omniscient, and omnipresent, he would not need a God, because he already is the maxim of BeingGus Lamarch

    Even if that was the case, wouldn't that God want to create a higher entity than himself?
  • Clock of life, thought experiment.
    at least until now, no one has any clue...Gus Lamarch

    Exactly, quite interesting isn't it.
  • Clock of life, thought experiment.

    is there a supreme god among all the gods, that we've created?Yozhura

    Let me quote myself for a bit, If there always has to be a god. Wouldn't even the highest of being, the highest of all gods, still have a god for himself, even if he is the actual God of everything.
  • Clock of life, thought experiment.
    If we are in a simulation, we can guarantee that there is a creator, or creators, and that they would therefore be God. Finally, the simulation hypothesis is necessarily theistic because it believes that our Universe is the creation of some other higher being.Gus Lamarch

    God is something we ourselves have defined, once we made the hypothesis, that simulation is a possibility. We created a god. Everything we can't understand is defined as a higher power, a god. But the question still remains, is there a supreme god among all the gods, that we've created?
  • Clock of life, thought experiment.
    the simulation hypothesis could be considered a theist hypothesis?Gus Lamarch

    That is what i think at least, not sure if it's a correct way to think. If someone can prove it otherwise, that is what i believe.
  • Clock of life, thought experiment.
    I still think we are going to fall in the near future.Gus Lamarch


    whats the meaning of this simulation?Gus Lamarch

    We as humans are already simulating universes in many ways, our technology just isn't advanced enough to create simulation that is indistinguishable from reality, but at some point that will be the fact. Unless we can prevent our extinction before we're able to make one. The chance of us being the base reality is highly improbable.
  • Clock of life, thought experiment.
    humanity as organic beings will not be the future.Gus Lamarch

    This is the most probable conclusion, or that we are in a simulation. You can think of the folds as years, we're at a point, where every year will bring huge changes and those changes can't be imagined.
  • Clock of life, thought experiment.

    totally agreed with, what you said there.
  • Clock of life, thought experiment.
    you haven't got the clock right.Bitter Crank

    Is the definition of clock wrong in my experiment, or can you think of something multiple ways? Once you give enough context for something, you can paint a picture, even though it could be painted in another way.
  • Clock of life, thought experiment.
    We like to pretend that we can achieve this greatness of it.Gus Lamarch

    Ah yes, i'm understanding it a little bit more. Isn't this what the large hadron collider is for? To learn more about our universe, because we know so little?
  • Clock of life, thought experiment.
    the monumental dimensions of the Universegod must be atheist

    Could you open what this means, I'm not knowledgeable of the term, thanks.