The problem is that you have a God-shaped hole
To unpack that: we are born with "why"-asking machinery in our brains, and that machinery, which normally has a pragmatic point (is useful in life) just naturally tends to keep asking "why?" At which point it bumps up against the question of existence as a whole - why existence as a whole?
But consider: normally, asking why depends on relative juxtaposition of things. Why this? Because that, because some other thing. But there's no "other thing" against which existence as a whole can be juxtaposed. Unless you posit it. And that's "God." If God is defined as self-existent, unmoved Mover, etc., then the why-series comes to an intellectually satisfying end.
But the problem is, nobody has any evidence of God, unless they're just circularly arguing that existence itself is the evidence of God.
So since the 18th/19th centuries, the position has increasingly been taken that since there's no evidence for God, there's no need to worry about Him. But because the "why" question is compulsive, we keep bumping up against a God-shaped-hole. The final question has no satisfying answer.
Which is why some people have taken to transcendentalizing secular goals (e.g. equality). But that's no use either (and leads to megadeaths).
The road less travelled here is simply to suspend judgement and be ok with suspending judgement. Acknowledge that we simply don't yet have a satisfying answer to that ultimate question. The God answer
could be the right answer, but we have no way of deciding or figuring it out, or deciding between that and the universe being a stupendous accident.
So the problem becomes one of
being ok with not knowing. And also realizing that all the normal human stuff seems to get along quite well without
having to know. For example, you are born with a certain level of benevolence (it varies along a bell-curve, and some don't have it - human sharks, so to speak) and your parents probably trained you to be nice. The lack of an answer to that fundamental question
doesn't mean you have to go against that inclination and training, and turn yourself into a serial killer who never gets up in the morning.
Or to put it in the cute terms of Werner Erhard's
est seminars: it's all empty and meaningless,
but the fact that it's empty and meaningless is itself empty and meaningless. Now, to be strictly accurate, we don't actually
know that it's empty and meaningless either (for all we know, it might be full and meaningful after all, and one or all of the God solutions human beings have come up with might be right); but if it is empty and meaningless, then that solution applies: the fact that it's empty and meaningless doesn't affect us one way or the other, it has no implications for our daily lives, and changes nothing.