Are you familiar with contingency and emergence VS Necessity?
To put it simple: What I argue here is, either the
potentiality of any probable essence (I.E possibility of a flying cow to exist logically (not empirically)) to be actualized (to get created in a universe)
existed beginning-less as a
concept or it existed and is true (not only discovered by us) at some point only (
To say that the potentiality of any probable essence (I.E a flying cow is possible to exist) is emergent this means that
before this particular point in time of emergence the Flying cow was rationally impossible to exist because it lacks potentiality to exist, (Like a 2D squared circle) something that is rationally impossible), and after this particular point of emergence the flying cow is rationally possible to exist.
(I am talking only about rational possibilities not nomological possibilities (being empirically found)). And this potentiality emergence is absurd, because being rationally possible to exist is a property of identity and no transformation of reality/identity can ever occur; meaning that it's either a 2 dimensional square circle is logically rationale or it's not, we cannot say that after day X it became logically rational, but before that it was irrational, or that the existence of an apple pie after day Y is irrational. This is violating the law of identity saying that y=y but starting from day X y=/=y if for example y is a 2D squared circle that by virtue has a logical irrational existence.
So by showing that the potentiality of any probable essence to actualize as a concept is
absurd to be emergent (have a beginning at only some point), then it must be (by law of bi-valence) beginning-less, so it was, is and will always be rationally illogical for a squared rectangle in 2D to exist.
(1) So this is the explanation of "The potential for the emergence of any possible essence is beginning-less".
(2) And Possible existence is one which doesn't hold a logical contradictions in its intrinsic essence (A 2 dimensional square circle, or one which doesn't hold extrinsic logical contradictions (2 guys sitting alone in the same chair in the same time).
(3) If the potential for the emergence of any possible essence is beginningless, then there must be at-least one actualizer that can bring into existence any possible essence.
Because if they are by definition possible, then they MUST have an
actualizer that is able and holds this potential to actualize them. Or else they are not possible because they lack actualization (which is a contradiction given that they ARE rationally possible to be actualized).
Therefore: All the potentiality of possible existence
MUST need a beginning-less
cause to be able to actualize them.