• Coronavirus
    I got the Moderna booster, and I had the J&J single dose as my initial vaccine. I can remember that night after the J&J being hell, and was expecting something like that for the booster. To my surprise though, I was completely fine. I think the strategy to avoiding side effects is to drink a lot of water the day before your vaccine, and continue to do so even after you've been given the shot.
  • What really makes humans different from animals?
    And let us not forget the four "P's" of marketing, price, product, promotion and place.
  • Desire leads to suffering??
    I concur, a good read regarding the idea of attachment, and not desire, leading to suffering is called "The Eye of a Needle," from The Way to Love by Anthony de Mello. As surprising as it may sound, the short passage actually stems from the bible, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God," Mark 10:25. In short, attachment is the constant struggle humans face by becoming emotionally attached to things, leading them to believe that - without that person, object, etc. - they are attached to, they cannot be happy.
  • Does it matter if you have no reason to believe the things you believe?
    In what regard, I ask. If one posed this question relative to the universe, then probably not. But, let's say that one is studying for an exam and they are looking over the study guide, it would be a good idea to believe the content is what it seems to be, for the reason that it is what the test will be on.
  • What is the greatest good one can do?
    Yes sir, I agree, and your point hold all the more importance during these polarized times. One must remain mindful of how their words and actions effect others, for once one looses this sense, they have lost an integral part of their humanity.
  • What is the greatest good one can do?
    Any time I see a worm on the sidewalk, I take it and place it back in the ground, digging a little burrow and all. Similarly, any time I see a spider or ladybug inside, I take it and bring it back outside. I think that - while it is a curious thought, like you said - a vital consideration to make when doing something good, is if anyone is around to watch you do it.
  • Who is more influential, Newton or Einstein?
    I agree, if one were to look at - who of the two was more inventive - they may opt for Newton. But, if they were to look at how innovative - they may opt for Einstein.