• The Myth Of Death As The Equalizer

    This really opened my eyes.
    What you write makes sense. All these years, I had read 'Death as the equalizer' in a simplistic fashion - no one escapes death. Now, I understand it a tad better.
  • Platonism
    I must say this thread has been a very interesting one to read - many thanks!
  • Coronavirus
    Inadequate information about this virus has had people and governments in a tizzy. Mask on and mask off, is one of the many confused signals being sent. In all this noise a few things are clear:

    Herd immunity has to be built.
    The vaccine is not around the next corner - we have to turn quite a few corners, before we see light.
    There will always be multiple opinions. That is human nature.
    Being at loggerheads with nature, gives us no advantage.
  • A Philosophy Of Space
    Things might seem empty, but it just might be something we do not perceive. As yet.
  • The passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
    She lived a full life, however many her struggles. Few can say that.