• Is emotional pain an essential part of human life?
    Come now, surely you have something that resemebles skepticism and you can place it upon those yogis and bhuddist master meditators who attempt to exist in a state of pure pleasure, by willpower and discipline alone!

    What if a pill came along that allowed the dopamine gland to conintiously produce a ecstatic state, eternal bliss with no physical or mental function consequences. Surely that is a higher truth!

    Only the spiritual, the macro (big picture) thinker and the confused cannot see that pleasure is indeed more profound and important than pain.
  • Should philosophy be about highest aspirations and ideals?
    In of itself, once a intelligence occurs via evolution, birth or some other force, if it is wholesome it would always carry within it a vision/dream/goal/plan of a higher state of being. All philosophy, that is the construction of the mind is about building unto the perfect design... unless its not.

    Not all entities seek higher states, some have dark purpose or are simply built to remain stagnant/sedentary. The solider is taught to be as a solider, not to envision internal or social change for a army of such beings would not produce the result the military training peoples are attempting to achieve.

Steven the Wyzard

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