Transhumanism: Memento Mori Based on the readings I have done I would suggest that power, wisdom, and knowledge are far from recent acquirements and that the concept of Atlantis, actual or not, is hardly beyond the realm of possibility. We could not, currently, reconstruct the pyramids using only the material that was available when they were built, despite our espoused advancements in physics and sciences. To me that suggests the builders of the pyramids were more skilled and knowledgeable than we are today. Eastern theology/philosophy has been explaining phenomena for thousands of years and we have provided no better, and many worse, explanations for these phenomena. Not seeing much advancement there. I cannot speak to the countries of the world, I lack experience beyond North America, however, many of the books I read have multiple (english, french, latin, greek, and arabic) languages used in them, written in a fashion to suggest that the reader would be able to easily flow through the reading, regardless of the language used.
I am fluent in English, passible in French, and can fumble in Spanish. My coworkers speak primarily one language only, as do most in the region I live in. I feel woefully under educated when I read these books, needing to constantly reference Google translate as I read. This, to me, suggests that we have lost linguistic ability over time, not improved upon it.
I am not saying that we have no accomplishments, just that I see no reason to assume that no one before us has accomplished equal, or greater, accomplishments.