• Technology and quality of life
    Whether your busting coconuts or busting atoms; you are still just using tools you stumbled upon while, probably. looking for something else. We are just really smart monkeys who happen to have more tools than the guys in the trees. I feel Quality of life is determined by the society you live in and your need to be accepted by that society. After very basic needs are met and sustained, any technology isn't really helping you in what should be your ultimate state of mind. It's what's up there that counts.
  • What Happened to ME?
    KHALED, I would so much like to be a good member here. If you could give me some direction as to where I may find some basic definitions and decorum for the Forum, I would appreciate it.
    One other thing, can you advise me where I might post a theory of mine. I would like to put it in a forum that would be received and commented on by the most relevant individuals.

    A Brief. It is a theory of tapping a latent human instinct that, I fell, is possessed by most if not all Humans by the human evolutionary process. I further feel that this "talent" can easily be nurtured, expanded, and can quite possibly form a new "evolution" of the human race toward a true overall Mental State. It involves non-verbal communications. I have taken real data over a pool of about 500 individuals. this is a limited pool, I understand. But the theory emerged quite clear to me. I have it in a basic Public Speaking 101 format that I was to read to a Vanderbilt PHD who never returned my call. Any Ideas? Thanks for your help and mentor. I have copied this to another, like minded person. I'm normally not a Cut and Paste kinda guy but this is important to me.

    BTW, I can make the most kiiler sushi, Nori rolls, Sashimi sauces. I do a Japanese / Mexican fusion. We need to do lunch. I'll have my people call your people.......
  • inhibitors of enlightenment
    You are absolutely right... Maslow not Pavlov. Caulk it up to a very basic Culinary college "get me by" psychology course that didn't stick too well.

    Achievement of a goal doesn't mean you jump to the next level or desire to. You may be quite comfortable with your achieved goal and desire nothing more, boarding on complacency which could last the lifetime; in your mind, comfortably. If your new acquired goal becomes familiar enough, I think a natural progression would be to desire higher needs as you are exposed to the fruits of your previous achievement. I feel some form of enlightenment happens when you achieve a strata goal or need. This seems to allow searching or desiring a higher level goal or need. When ya run outta things to get, you either get more of the same or look fer sumptin else. Nice chatting with you.
  • inhibitors of enlightenment
    Could you say you were obsessed to say that? Jus' Sayin'
  • inhibitors of enlightenment
    I do know intimately your give scenario. Personally, my position prior to 25 August this year. Overweight, lethargic, depressed, partners mothers death and her subsequent depression in partner, my retirement after 48 years insightful work, my fathers death, Colorado wild fire taking our cabin, hurricanes threatening our winter home, leaving my past 22 year life behind to the unknown, having my children (32 and 34) reject me as a parent, eventual breakup of a good 6 year Long Term. I been through stuff. This all was given a total shift in priority and attention after an Epiphany changed my life. All these things were, or continue to be dealt with, positively. In many case resolved Positively. I think it is the attitude of the individual that determines his/her outcome. You can become that monster in the ally if you allow that facet of your personality to guide. If, through the acquisition of insight to your inner most self, you are able to locate and identify the various persona within ourselves, you have a beeter chance of find who you really FEEL you are. Jus' Sayin'. Waddya Think?
  • inhibitors of enlightenment
    Hey Jack. Very insightful! Thank you. I would expand on some of your thoughts. I think that, in alliance with Pavlov, that once acquired a need is taken as part of the individual. It becomes familiar and a "tool". Without this need, new needs are inspired and subsequently sought after. The need for enlightenment seems to come after all other physical needs are met. The need for higher enlightenment, I feel, is a never ending journey that may in fact culminate in a pure mental state of bliss. That is if a culmination is possible. Waddya Think?
  • inhibitors of enlightenment
    I am simply going off Pavlov's hierarchy of needs here. Seek and ye shall find stuff. The simple act of seeking inhibit nothing. Seeking items or ideas that run counter to the "Good" are self regulating to the negative, the opposite is true for seeking in the direction of the "Good". Folding Yoda, The Force, Zen, and others into the mix sends me in the direction to seek enlightenment. "The views expressed by this station are not the views of the corporate structure and should be construed as individual opinion" - CBS
  • What Happened to ME?
    Hi Julia, nice to see you again! I understand the outcome and, possibly at least, one "reason" for this type of events. I believe they happen, fur real, to many people... some accept / some don't. I feel the reasons are left up to the individual to decided based on the acceptance of the event. I am still in the discovery phase of this transformation. I find it very enjoyable to me and to most individuals I expose to my own new brand of reality. You, as well, stay safe and enlightened. ME
  • inhibitors of enlightenment
    I think that finding a "monster" and being able to confront it is part of the process. Understanding has a cleansing property in most cases... knowledge is power. The deeper one understands virtually any subject, the more an individual can influence the subject. It allows both internal and external modification, I feel. You cannot modify with direction without understanding. "Become the Authority" --- DYMORA. No?
  • What Happened to ME?
    KHALED, I would so much like to be a good member here. If you could give me some direction as to where I may find some basic definitions and decorum for the Forum, I would appreciate it.
    One other thing, can you advise me where I might post a theory of mine. I would like to put it in a forum that would be received and commented on by the most relevant individuals.

    A Brief. It is a theory of tapping a latent human instinct that, I fell, is possessed by most if not all Humans by the human evolutionary process. I further feel that this "talent" can easily be nurtured, expanded, and can quite possibly form a new "evolution" of the human race toward a true overall Mental State. It involves non-verbal communications. I have taken real data over a pool of about 500 individuals. this is a limited pool, I understand. But the theory emerged quite clear to me. I have it in a basic Public Speaking 101 format that I was to read to a Vanderbilt PHD who never returned my call. Any Ideas? Thanks for your help and mentor.
  • What Happened to ME?
    I'm new to this whole philosophy thing. I have pretty much always thought in abstract terms on many subjects; thought to be the "weird one" Please excuse my lack of expertise and knowledge of the philosophy terms. I certainly would like to post things in the most relevant forums. I hope, with time and experience, I will gain a Symbian relationship with this fine forum. Thank you for your input. "ENDEVOUR TO PERCEVIER" CHEIF PROUDFOOT... LITTLE BIG MAN
  • What Happened to ME?
    I do so appreciate your insightful post. It is a semblance of my reality that is strikingly similar to my experience. I have not had a chance to research your references as I have simply been trying to have the ability to describe the state in more educated detail; something a number of professionals and myself have been unable to do up to now. "DMT" "Jungian Individuation" "shamanic initiations" are terms I am unaware of. I will, with great vigor, do the necessary back work. I am extremely motivated to fully understand the potentials released to me, if not the physical mechanisms involved. One other trait that I forgot to mention remains persistent in my persona. I have an uncontrollable drive to connect with, emphasize with, interact with, and try and influence POSATIVELY virtually everyone I meet; grocery store, stop light, sidewalks, gas stations. I find the more I interact, the more I want to do it. I have found an amazing talent that allows me to say or do just the right thing as dictated by any given situation. It is not 100%, mind you, pretty close though. I get a very high score from my interaction for my various approaches. Thank you, truly. You have eased my mind as to the uncertainty of these (do I call this Metaphysical? Never a philosophically sharing individual before.) Your comments are definitely received with appreciation and some relief. I want to see how far this new potential will take me before I cast off this mortal coil.
  • inhibitors of enlightenment
    Any impression of my "authority" is strictly from your end, my friend. I am simply stating what I believe. If you don't feel you believe it, that is certainly your prerogative. But you will be faced with the hard fact that I do believe it. If you knew me, you would know I am a man of great integrity.... and not afraid to use it. I am interested in your previous impressions and shall preen them for thought stimulation at my earliest convenience. That's what we are all here for, Right? Not the truth, but the thought process that may get us there. No?
  • inhibitors of enlightenment
    I stand by my definition of soul to put a name to an abstract idea. By my definition of "soul" I am implying self awareness, intelligence, and the inner need to further one's self. This would eliminate lower life forms. I sense a tone of sarcasm in your reply that I could really do without right now. Thanks for your input, however.
  • inhibitors of enlightenment
    I don't quite get the meaning in your statement "That's how the mind works. Always looking for shortcuts or rather more efficient ways to do things. That's how inventions occur."
    I see a distinction between life with and without a "soul"; a term I use synonymously with "self". In my definition "soul" has no religious connotations at all. Just a term for mutual understanding. I think whatever conditions are needed for a trigger to higher thinking is totally dependent on the individual and their comfort level. I've been in a "Zone" while in the wilderness, on a train, etc. I think it is the state of mind that dictates higher thinking rather than the environment. Good points, though. Thank you for your side.
  • inhibitors of enlightenment
    I am a technology buff and do love my toys; for fun and practical applications. You gave two really good examples of peoples keeping possessions, and I'm all for that. I guess what I am talking about is opulence, the desire for the latest (not necessarily the greatest). I do not condone going back to the Dark Ages technologically speaking. We have brains that can think this stuff up. We can manufacture it pretty cheaply. A lot of technology has actually changed the way societies operate (good or bad).
    I think that it is the obsession with opulence that is the inhibitor. I truly believe in an enlightened state, I achieved a great elevation; if not enlightenment; recently. I felt like I came out of a sleep, with fresh outlooks on almost everything. Very Positive. Very serine. Very focused, Very loving, Very peaceful even under adversity. I want it to continue and I want more; which makes me think I haven't achieved true enlightenment yet. Wish everyone could get here
  • inhibitors of enlightenment
    It seems as though you may be skeptical that enlightenment can actually occur. I understand it is a personal choice what to or not to believe in. I happen to believe it IS achievable. I use the stages of consciousness I've been through to indicate a continuation of the trend toward an apex; my definition of Enlightenment. I certainly don't believe it is a fruitless effort. Quite the opposite. I think it is fun, educational, rewarding, and gets you away from the washing machine for a while.
  • What is "real?"
    "Love is tweeting bird... that sounds awful" - Spock
  • What Happened to ME?
    I'm a Vietnam Veteran, seen enough bodies. I've lived off Beans and wieners for weeks at a time. I've been without home, family, friends, food. I already knew how to survive before 25 August. I don't think I knew how to live, however. Thanks for the feedback. Jus' Sayin'
  • What is "real?"
    BWWAAAAAAA, you got me there Big Guy. I have no answer for that logic...
  • What is "real?"
    By even acknowledging me, you admitted I was real in your mind, right?
  • Ethics of masturbation
    I bet Emanual Kant can't or won't. The reproductive system is based on extreme pleasure, insatiable pleasure. I think it pretty ABNORMAL to not want to allow ourselves to experience this pleasure whenever we can; either by sex or oursex. Usually, only real sex has the ability to harm another individual. I guess you could rub the foreskin off if your really abrasive and persistent. I don't think that masturbation helps social interaction skills that much like real sex has the ability to do. Jus' Sayin'
  • Is Weakness Necessary?
    I think for any species to survive, both dociles and aggressives must exists. These traits form the basis for evolution. Without Hunters there can be no Gatherers. I don't think it is a fluke that the sexes have such different temperaments, either. I think this is intelligent design. One form of evolution is the ability of a species to overcome adversity. nothing more adverse than being eaten. So the Dociles evolve to be faster, more stealthy, taste funny, or some other mutation. The Aggressives adapt to try and take advantage of the Dociles evolutions. Or is it the other way around... I forget... I'm just an old Plumber.
  • What is "real?"
    You decide what is real. You also decide what is not real. Based on all the usual suspects... heredity, life experiences, social programming... Blah, Blah, Blah... Jus' Sayin'
  • Are humans inherently good or evil
    "Good" and "Evil" are terms that explain how you feel about yourself or others. These feelings are based on you own, personal, life experiences formulated into your personality by the myriad of influences and inherent traits. Your idea of Evil is not my idea of Evil, similar maybe depending on social programming and heredity. When it comes down to it, I think Good is the feeling of oneness with yourself AND everything / everybody else, Evil is a oneness with yourself (maybe, but not required. Extreme Oneness is Evil) and knowingly running counter to oneness with other life. I think that "Knowingly" is the key here. Jus' Sayin'
  • God?
    I believe in an "ether". A culmination of consciousness adding and subtracting as individuals become aware or die (respectively). I call it "IT" and we talk! I think people put their own name on it to ease their minds that something more HAS to exsist to explain the unexplainable or just to give peace. Jesus, Muhamad, Buddha, God, all are the same to me... IT.
  • How does a naive realist theory of colour explain darkness?
    Absence of color is the absence of light. Light is responsible for the ability for us to perceive color. Without light, there can be no color (at least color perceived by us) Biological in nature. Rod and Cone
  • Society as Scapegoat
    I think “cause” is a little generous when talking about the evolution of societies. It implies active, cognizant shaping; which I would reject. I feel societies, in general, evolved from an elementary needs base. It didn’t take long for the hunter to find a like minded ally could increase his yield. The farmer or fisherman saw the same. As these “groups grew, knowledge and influence formed a hierarchy. As violence, I believe, grew from needs of the group; sometimes self serving needs (insert Lord of the Flies here”). The less violent the means needed to gain the required NEED, the less violent the society. Oneness and manipulation prowess of the environment set the scale from violent to complacency. Jus’ sayin’
  • Consumerism, The Cause and Resolution of Global Warming?
    Is the human race causing harm to the planet? Sure, absolutely. Can we change it? Sure, if we evolve to the point that we can overcome the basic instinct of survival and procreation. Overpopulation is damaging both the planet AND the human race. When Mother Earth gets tired of our nonsense, she will and can shrug us off like lace panties on a 40 year old in heat.