• Maintaining Love in the family
    for me in my practice the more bring love into my life the more I listen with my feelings. You could call it intuition or following your heart, and intuition is very intelligent.
  • Maintaining Love in the family
    Life without love has a seriousness to it. It is a heavy weight one has to carry, or like a hypnotic sleep. For one who loves knows many things that the one without does not.
  • Maintaining Love in the family
    There have existed many happy marriages that filled Mans days with love so I do not see your point.
  • Maintaining Love in the family
    Love is the principle cause of all things in the Universe it is a resource the is infinite to tap into.
  • Maintaining Love in the family
    Love is not nothing because it can be seen and felt.
  • Maintaining Love in the family
    Why is it not a bad thing? The 10% are the people who were not divorced and unhappy... although do check on those facts.
  • A puzzling fact about thinking.
    I know there's a fact that you can read faster if you don't verbalize those words read with your mouth. It is also more difficult to read those words.
  • Truth in Paradox
    “When a contradiction is impossible to resolve except by a lie, then we know that it is really a door.”Nikolas

    Very interesting
  • Truth in Paradox
    If it was Solved there wouldn't be any contradictory beliefs with the knowledge given IN THEORY.
  • Truth in Paradox
    Sure philosophy has gave many answers but never SOLVED any... A lot of the answers even contradict the other ones... So if there is truth in paradox could it mean these answers are all correct? interesting thought...
  • Truth in Paradox
    I appreciate your insight in the use of folk wisdom to verify the validity of applicable paradoxes. I will study more into folk wisdom and perhaps there is more truth given by our ancestors after all...
  • The world of Causes
    Interesting. I do think there can be a 3rd perspective in a sense that you are simply observing a situation.
  • The world of Causes
    Both past and future only really exist in your mind. What happened in the past actually happened in each present moment, while the potential for the future is revealed and only actually in every present moment. The only thing that truly exists then as far as "time" is concerned is the now, the eternal present moment.
  • The world of Causes
    Besides some evidence like trees mature over "time" and we revolve around the sun some days of the year. There is no absolute proof that the "past" exists outside of the present moment. Especially same with the "future". We can conceptualize past and future but both only exist within the mind. The only thing we will ever experience is the present moment so how do you rationalize that? Especially since it seems beyond the mind?
  • The world of Causes
    I see your point, but then what is the cause for the present?
  • The world of Causes
    Since past and future are concepts of the mind and are ultimately illusory, then the only real "time" will always be the present. The reason being is that the causations for the past and the potentiality of the future exist in the first place only in the present moment. Following your logic, the present moment has infinite potentiality and therefore causality. To maintain the unity of time since past and future are ultimately illusions of the mind, perhaps it is the present that is capable of being causal unto itself?
  • The world of Causes
    Thanks for letting me know and I am aware that speaking of Mysticism in a philosophy forum would probably be pointless. Good book source as well, I found out about the connections of Mysticism and neoplatonism as well in my own contemplations which I find interesting. Do you have more information on neoplatonism itself?
  • The self
    I will add a quote that "when you understand you cannot help but love". If that's true and if "you have to experience it to understand it" is true. Then, in order to love love, you have to experience love, hence a clue to the perpetual eternity of love. Once, you are genuinely loved by someone you cannot help but love them back in magnitude.
  • ????
    Why can I not answer questions on this discussion:)
  • The self
    Is it more important to understand love or experience it? You will come to understand that love is quite understandable and acts in quite irrational ways. However, no matter how irrational it might seem, love will always confirm the perfection of life.
  • TPF Quote Cabinet
    "No matter how omnipotent a monster may seem, once it is forgotten it ceases to exist altogether."
  • Currently Reading
    The Ringing Cedars of Russia by Vladimir Megre
  • ????
    why is it that thought is so uncontrollable? Like a child throwing a temper tantrum whenever it gets bored?
  • The self
    You can intellectualize all you want about love. But, you would still not understand it. To understand it you must experience it, hence it is termed "Mysticism"
  • The self
    Everything that exists in the universe has a state of being, which is nothing but pure awareness. Said in other words, giving your awareness to something also means to give it love and attention.
  • The self
    This world is a world full of outcomes and the spiritual world that ties with this world is the world of causes. Looking into the cause of all things you strip away the layers until you are left with awareness, will, energy, but more important a word for this primal cause is love itself. This is the essence of your soul and is what created your body in the first place. God or nature could be called the love that gives life eternally and infinitely in the Universe. You yourself are a part of that universal love. So in realizing yourself by truly loving what you are... love, you in turn are loving God which begins the process of fully merging and being one with God.

    This is the way of the mystic, by knowing and controlling what to love or bring energy to, you in turn, control your destiny and whatever you may want to manifest as a part of your reality. Hence, love truly is what makes miracles happen, so long as you are conscious aware of it and only direct it to the things that which is good. Love is the primal essence of everything, including who you are, as well as being the energy to influence anything in this world of outcomes so long as you know how to use or invoke it.
  • Creation-Stories
    Epicurean philosopher Lucretius postulated a "Swerve" or "asymmetry", which allowed some freedom for Change in the world.Gnomon

    That's neat, I was wondering if there was an ancient philosopher who shared the same ideas on this as me in the past.
  • Creation-Stories
    But the secret to happiness, not just survival, is find the BothAnd (win-win) sweet-spot between those extremes. :cool:Gnomon

    I like your wording there. I will add that to use the devices and methods of non-existence, or anti-mind and press it for good you gain a newfound power in bettering your life.
  • Creation-Stories
    I'm not saying your wrong, but your words fail to illustrate the more details I have already discussed in this forum. Just to be super clear my opposites are simply existence vs non-existence. While taoism duality is positive and negative, male and female, hot and cold, etc. My opposites could mean the excess and deficiency of a positive or negative value in the Yin-Yang duality, therefore it is subject to my union of opposites.
  • Creation-Stories
    Conceptually absolute extremes exist but in reality no. So long as there exists its other it can't truly be non-existent. to your latter question my answer is yes because the only way you would know it had a deficiency is if it could have an excess. Notice the word deficiency doesn't mean non-existent.
  • Creation-Stories
    I guess I maybe wasn't clear enough, but yin yang has polarity. My opposites would be excess polarity or lack of polarity. As I said, you could describe polarity as being a division of the principle of the union of opposites, since they polarity itself is an energy(electromagnetism) they are actually subject to an excess and a deficient. This is the more foundational opposites I speak of. This is also my slight differentiation of my opposites to the Yin-Yang principle
  • Creation-Stories
    It's not the same if you study yin-yang further my definition is different, it is also slightly different from what you explained
  • Creation-Stories
    I did, but I can put it more straight-forward. Yin-Yang are extremes(like absolute black and white). While the union of opposites utilize both of these extremes to create a dynamic, middle zone. Close to the same but different.

    If the extremes would be birth and death, then the union of opposites would be the preservation of life in the middle, and our whole universe is founded on this principle. That is if we live in an eternal, limitless universe(and modern physics is just starting to heavily back this theory). And as long as we have the other extreme in our universe, I think true extremes are impossible and foolish, hence the falsity in thinking likewise.
  • Creation-Stories
    You're extinguisher is well deserved. We seem to be on the same page for most of these concepts and I was able to extrapolate additional information from you to back up my theory, so, thank you. I do also think that although this universe is chaotic and full of unrealized potentials moment by moment, it nonetheless has laws and principles that make it somewhat understandable. This is why quantum physics has credibility and usefulness.
  • Creation-Stories
    And, as Shannon discovered, Information boils down to 1s & 0s : the ratio (percentage) between Everything and Nothing.Gnomon

    Taking it a step higher all matter can be boiled down to information or energy. Then, perhaps information and energy are synonymous. Okay, then it goes that the universe is comprised of these opposites(1s and 0s). With this principle in mind (no pun intended)what came before the universe of 1s AND 0s is the universe of 1s OR 0s, or you could say the existence before this one was filled with extremes and only extremes of energy(1s OR 0s).

    As is known, all logic can be built off of And and Not gates, and not with only OR gates. Hence why our universe has rationality and before the universe there was only spontaneous and extreme states of anti-rational energy(sound familiar?). However, OR gates exist conceptually which leads me to believe that thought was the prime factor in organizing a chaotic, anti-rational world by unifying the extremes of energy states.

    This is if we are going off of the fact that our universe has rationality, and when there is rationality there is anti-rationality in our universe of a union of opposites. This is where I am stumped, deadlocked, as to how the universe unified and created multiple dimensions of opposites(hopefully 3). Was it rationality, thought, mind, all of the above, nothing, somebody tell me(or actually don't) what was it that unified these opposites since I think the something that unified the opposites wouldn't be subject to the opposites themselves which means it couldn't be energy, maybe it was the opposites themselves...Gah!

    I would certainly like God to have an intelligence so it fit neatly into many concepts, but to how far could this intelligence fathom? Mayhaps unfathomable with our limited intellect. Anywho, what do you think on the rationality and anti-rationality duality of the universe in aiding it's creation?
  • Creation-Stories

    polarity would be black and white.
    my definition for yin yang would be the absence of black with an excess of white and same way visa versa. Similar but different. One denotes merely only the extremes in energy while mine explains the interplay of the energies going on in the universe.

    It is not a complete balance for if it was you would only get a grey, stagnant, middle zone which would put a stop to the pendulum (universe) swinging. Likewise, true extremes can only exist outside of the natural order of things and is out of touch with how the universe works. Because extremes are absent from how life works they are falsehoods. So, since the principle of the unity of opposites is essential to the functioning of the universe as a whole, it contains truthfulness. This is what I consider the Tao.

    I identify an energy as that it has an excess and a deficient. Energy is always in constant motion and is always trying to balance/compete with the other(like your two feet walking), but the question is: Who set the pendulum in motion? What is it that could unify these extremes in all the energies of the universe to create one that is alive and full of dances? A universe in which it is most certainly abound with creative potential? I feel like one of those questions should be unanswered and the other self-evident. What is your take?
  • Creation-Stories

    polarity as in north and south, male and female, left and right, attraction and repulsion, hot and cold. Although now that I am thinking about it, polarity itself is subject to these opposite principles, such as more masculinity means less of femininity and visa versa or more hot means less cold. polarity could be described as a further division from the principle of being and nothingness, more so in being. which could be described as positive and negative states in energy rather then the existence or nonexistence of that energy. Just a slight diversion this yin and yang are, and so I like to say union of opposites to give a much broader picture that contains a deeper foundation.
  • Creation-Stories

    The main thing is that yin and yang denote polarity mainly. The Yin Yang I create is the one of excess and deficit, being and nothingness, mind and anti-mind, rationality and anti-rationality.
  • Creation-Stories
    I suppose the Dao under my definition would be this unity of opposites which create the universe and in turn, ourselves.
  • Creation-Stories
    However, according to apokrisis or @m-theoryrules the universe is a broken symmetry i.e. there's an imbalance, one of the two opposing forces has the upperhand.

    Yet, there's also the fact that the total energy in the universe is ZERO suggesting a perfect balance between yin and yang.

    Exactly my point: it is not a complete balance otherwise there would be a neutrality of the two and nothing would happen and the life wouldn't exist, but it is a unified interplay of the two forces seeming to always try to outcompete the other like your two feet walking. The reason I refrain from yin and yang is because there is a few inaccurate preconceived notions of what those mean for many. So in a sense the forces are balanced but in a dynamic way that allows movement and events to unfold (you need proper balance if you want to walk anywhere).