• Biden vs. Trump (Poll)
    Because you shouldn't trust that Bill Gates creep. He's pro population reduction and you don't know what he might stick in that vaccine to get his way. The big thing is that this vaccine is going going to be taken by the whole world so they don't have any reason to hold back. I remember as well the H1N1 vaccine was causing people to get the flu.
    This whole corona thing is just a bunch of bullshit anyway, with the average dying age older than life expectancy. Also when someone dies and they tested positive for corona, it's automatically labelled a COVID death. The grand stupidity of so many world leaders in their response is mind-boggling.
  • Does systemic racism exist in the US?

    Hitler killed the jews because they were socialists and he believed they began socialism. Because of this, to him he was stopping the rise of communism and the killing of all smart Germans like what happened in Russia. You can see it to this day with how the IQ in those countries is several points lower than in places that never suffered communism.
    They were lynched because they did a crime and the mob was angry about it, not unlike BLM today. With them though they stopped once the wrong-doing was dealt with but with BLM 3 months after the police officers were charged they continue rioting.
    It says on your profile that you describe yourself as a "non-player gamer". You seem to be an NPC as well.

    I think people can but I wouldn't consider it "racism" just being an asshole or playing favorites. That or they are hiring the best person for the job unlike how it may appear. Companies hire close to evenly anyway on average for whites and blacks. If you have no criminal-record then there are slightly better odds if you are white but with a criminal record it's slightly better to be black. For violence, they probably do have hatred in their heart and it's unfortunate that they were influenced and/or born that way. Could be also motivated by different things or even be one of those "hate crime hoaxes".
  • Biden vs. Trump (Poll)
    he's just part of the swamp.3017amen

    You sound like a cuck but it's true, Hillary and dozens of politicians didn't serve jail-time, no tangible illegal immigration restrictions, NAFTA replaced by worse UMSCA, war in the middle east continues, more hyphenated-American politics, and forced vaccine.
    The only thing of value he did was building half the wall. That, and he managed to removed the worst aspects of Obamacare such as the required insurance.
  • Why is panpsychism popular?
    Because some form of panpsychism is the true nature of reality, that's why it's popular. When the other major alternative is "Truth is bad because it shows inequality with falseness" post-modernism it makes what to pursue very easy.
  • Does systemic racism exist in the US?
    Racism doesn't exist so of course not.

    These are criminals you are talking about with court cases, they should go to jail and get a heavy sentence.