• Has Compassion Been Thrown in the Rubbish Bin?
    Compassion perhaps is an individualised concept. What one might perceive as being compassionate others would class as cruel. In the example of Euthanasia's Animals, human or otherwise.

    To explore if compassion has been "thrown in the rubbish bin" we would need to know the most presumed definition of compassion.

    Compassion I always presumed to be an innate reaction to protect those or that we love selflessly.
    For example to your child you would compassionate.

    As for in this society, financial aspects and the lure of wealth and 'getting up the ranks' in society seems to have overcast the basic human reactions. In an More Economically developed country i would say compassion as taken a backseat as more focus is expressed in materialistic desires.
    Whereas in poorer countries they do say a village raises a child. Whilst this is not accurate in all less economically developed places due to the current wars and civil wars, in places untouched by corruption and wealth. compassion is much easier found.
  • There is definitely consciousness beyond the individual mind
    Consciousness is essentially energy and electrical impulses in the brain. of which is still not understood.

    "we must acknowledge the role of energy in the brain. Energetic activity is fundamental to all physical processes and causally drives biological behavior. Recent neuroscientific evidence can be interpreted in a way that suggests consciousness is a product of the organization of energetic activity in the brain. The nature of energy itself, though, remains largely mysterious, and we do not fully understand how it contributes to brain function or consciousness."

    It is not hard regarding what we actually know to dismiss that consciousness is beyond the individual mind. see group consciousness for example and the studies there. The universe is full of energy and no one can prove that there is not a mass consciousness outside of Earth. i maybe leaning slight of topic now but I could not ignore this point you make.

    It is like in death, energy can not be destroyed and it is common knowledge the human brain is full of energy it is highly likely to be converted elsewhere. Such as the atomists theory on the body being dispersed atom by atom to create something else.
  • Human nature?
    I do not believe in 'good' or 'bad' to describe humanity, I believe each person has a complex make up and situations that arise can make people do questionable things but depending on society and context would be considered 'good' to some and 'bad' to others. I also believe human nature is an example of the society and times we live in. Human Nature constantly changes to the environment we are surrounded with, essentially human nature bare basics is to feed, reproduce and sleep. We have evolved since then and now human nature is cultivated and tailored to an individuals morals and experience.
  • Will evolution make life fundamentally different?
    50,000 years ago the human race suddenly developed the ability to create art. happening all over the continents. no explanation can be explained other then the development of the mind simultaneously.

    what if we are already going through the process of evolution? what if the process of mental illness is our brains developing and changing to adapt to the modern world? PTSD through recovery the brain chemistry changes and eventually processes events and trauma differently. I have been diagnosed with psychosis due to an influx of dopamine in my brain, whose to say that makes me ill? is it just that i am not conforming or viewing the world in the same way as others? is this necessarily a bad thing? or just an awkward topic for people to approach?

    technology may not necessarily help in the evolution of the human race and more so in the de-evolution. Whilst people rely on technology the brain no longer needs the function to retain information, which in studies has shown an increase in early dementia. The new studies of biology could also have a consequences, what if we increase life expectancy but continue to breed? how will we feed and over populated planet? what if we find cures for more genetic disorders thus breeding with faulty DNA that would of otherwise been eradicated from our gene pool? we will be our own demise.


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