• Complexity in Mathematics
    Interesting approach. What kind of general syntax applies to proof telling?Shawn

    Be it Gödel or Heisenberg, infinite variables can not be overcome by infinite description,
    there must be a corner around which the pursuit changes velocity.

    Theory of Nothingness
    ''Rather the starting point, the un-caused Cause, is Possibility which is both Something and Nothing and the basis of Probability.'' Marvin Glover
  • The role of conspiracy theories in the American right
    Well I've been set straight, all dems honest, all repubs dishonest.
    This is why I do not rely on posts.
    I only rely on videos and audios of the actual subjects.
    I believe politics and media has become synonymous with organized crime.
  • The role of conspiracy theories in the American right
    The only part of conspiracy theory that is questionable is two or more people.
    If an individual murders a person, (oh I don't know, Seth Rich for example)
    and Seth had access to all of the dnc emails, and was very angry that his candidate
    (Bernie Sanders) was screwed by the dnc, that may be worth investigating.
    The fact that Seth's screen name was Panda and Hillary was recorded in a speach saying sometimes you have to kill the Panda (holding the Ming vase) two nights before!
    and the fact that assange and several others have given accounts of the transfere of Emails
    from Rich to Wikileaks as well as the fact that his murder was considered a robbery and nothing
    was taken.
    and even though a group of america's most respected retired intelligence officials
    stated that the download was too fast to have happened from outside the building.
    Yea, it must have been the Russians.. The veil of Ignorance approach
    Or maybe there should have been an Investigation?
  • Complexity in Mathematics
    In as short as possible, would it be possible to entertain the notion that complexity in non-congruentShawn W

    Might I suggest that this question is about syntax and not math?
    simplicity vs. complexity
  • Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics: Science or philosophy?
    John Archibald Wheeler's participatory anthropic principle says that consciousness plays some role in bringing the universe into existence.(Interpretations)

    Modal interpretations of quantum mechanics were first conceived of in 1972 by Bas van Fraassen, in his paper "A formal approach to the philosophy of science."(Interpretations)

    I think therefore I am; Thinking is not a physical property therefore physical existence is not proven!
  • A few thoughts from a layman philosopher - Method for countering bias
    By no means do I consider myself a "philosopher".

    'the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence'
    from the moment of birth the studying begins
    it is important to know others opinions but remember
    more and more about less and less
    soon you know everything there is about nothing at all
    not an effort to insult, just simple and honest
  • Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics: Science or philosophy?
    It has also been proven that the observation changes the object being observed.
    In other words, the observation changes the outcome of an observation.
  • Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics: Science or philosophy?
    " By that, I mean that changing the interpretation doesn't change the outcome of an observation or experiment. If I am mistaken about this, I would appreciate it if someone would correct me."

    atomic or sub atomic observations?
    What they are observing is a reaction to an experiment designed to simulate theories.
    all theoretical physics is just that!
    all theory is logic and methods of reasoning.
    Therefore all theoretical science is philosophy
    Hence Phd (dr. of Philosophy) in Science
  • A Formula for Justifying Single Issue Voting
    The Evil exists in the nature, scope, or meaning of intent.
    In the 70's outrage over children institutionalizing parents to control their finances led to laws that were very well meaning. Unfortunately an abundance of Evil lawyers created environments where mentally ill
    persons can not be protected. i.e. homeless, elder scams etc.
    My father in alzheimer's care broke a hip. Not knowing it was broken he broke the other hip.
    Because of the law they were not allowed to restrain him in any manner to protect him.
    He spent the last three years of his life in and out of hospice so that they could administer enough drugs to keep him from injuring himself 24 hours a day.
    Everyone had good intent and everyone suffered the consequences.
  • Another poll on the forum's political biases
    With the number of murderers, rapists, and thieves that we pass on the street on any given day?
    I fear the rage directed at benign actions!
    It blinds us to the question, ''Which organized crime family did you vote for?''
  • Understanding the New Left
    75 million voters silenced and ridiculed
    re-education camps will have to outsource to China
    someone should see how they feel about religious freedom and gender neutrality
    Joe will have some splainin to do to the squad
    cause he's good at splainin
  • Logic is the world of possibilities, not reality
    I like where you are going with this.
    The most important thing is to confirm each persons understanding of the subject and predicate.
    I have seen a room full of 30 year old dungeon and dragon enthusiasts debate this very topic
    with great enthusiasm .
    Silly, but it hones their listening skills, creativity, and humor.
    and they are very strict about the premise and the (facts) that are created on the spot and must be incorporated.
  • What is "real?"
    Magicians perform misdirection which is also common in nature.
    a mirage or rainbow can be explained
    does that make them any less real?
  • Is science a natural philosophy?
    when you get a Phd in science it stands for doctor of Philosophy.
    If you use logic or reason then you are using philosophy.
  • Nothingness and quantum mechanics.
    Randomness alone is aimless; but AI computers also use random heuristic searches to find forms that meet the intended criteria specified by the programmer.Gnomon

    Years ago I read a theory of how seeds have taught people to be farmers.
    as they carried grain back to camp it spilled and sprouted along the trail
    as it sprouted they moved the trail and created rows watered by spilled water from the nearest source.
    Perhaps artificial intelligence is the seed,
    Or the tail wagging the dog
  • Why do you post to this forum?
    I engaged in mockery when the internet began.
    short lived
    when I realized how easy it was to anger and malign others I felt guilt.
    Those who connect with me do not need to acknowledge,
    it becomes obvious
  • The role of conspiracy theories in the American right
    BTW, Collusion happened, so it almost by definition is not a conspiracy theory.hypericin

    The party that purchased the Russian disinformation (Steele dossier) colluded with Russia.
    at least 74 million voters agree
  • The role of conspiracy theories in the American right
    Great reply, very thoughtful, but not a conspiracy.hypericin

    what lofty aspiration does one have to reach to be a conspiracy
    or are you saying that it was a blatant lie
  • Why do you post to this forum?
    I love to read personalities
    by your name and one paragraph I know if I want to read more
    quite often I see comments that inspire me
    more often I move on
  • Emotions Are The Reason That Anything Matters
    anyone that has locked eyes with another across the room knows,
    that is the most powerful energy that exists
  • I think therefore I am – reduced
    Origional in french
    ( je pense, donc je suis )
    "we cannot doubt of our existence while we doubt."

    Antoine Léonard Thomas, aptly captures Descartes's intent: dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum ("I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am").

    Historical accuracy is not important
    Physical existence is as important as history
    What is Latin for Reality
  • Is anxiety at the centre of agricultural society?
    Been a farmer for over 60 years.
    this is enlightening
  • Attempting to acquire absolute pitch
    Of the five senses no two people are exactly the same.
    Overlapping of senses and sensory training is bizarre
    Oliver Sacks (the author) makes some sense of it
  • Is God A He Or A She?
    No, gender has been used to decide roles in societies, but not based on physical abilities but the needs of the society. Strong women would have been warriors and wimpy men would have been maids if only the physical abilities had been taken into accountSir2u

    In no way am I suggesting that gender identification is correct,
    However it appears you say No, and then agree with me.
    Societal beliefs are not my belief

    Walk toward the bright light means to give into death
    Interesting that no two people have the same response to this either

    Pain and pride are things that cannot be eliminated because they serve a very important part of life.Sir2u

    We are speaking of afterlife!
  • Who Rules Us?
    Me thinks you are reincarnated
  • I think therefore I am – reduced
    I debate therefore I appreciate
  • I think therefore I am – reduced
    Descartes was French and I doubt that the conversion to English is exact.
    I think therefore I am is simplicity redundancy
    Simple, easy for everyone to understand, and a summation of the human philosophical condition.
    Can't argue with it because it says nothing.
    Is a thought a physical thing?
    Is he saying I think therefore I am not physical?
  • Nothingness and quantum mechanics.
    Neutrinos are things that travel through my vacuum
    Their existence is recognized by their effect
    Much like human interaction
    One doesn't have to be visible to have an impact
  • Modern Philosophy
    the rules of debate
    Methods of reasoning
  • Could there be a negative utility monster?
    The energy vampire
    What we do in the shadows
  • What happens to consciousness when we die?
    Many, many people have had (near death experiences)
    and many have had (hallucinations that include sensory experiences).
    The reason there isn't more exposure of near death experiences is fear of suicide or giving up.
    The actual experience is beautiful and motivating, however it can not be explained because we
    are so dependent on our senses.
    It has been said that our most enlightened state is the moment of birth,
    before we become dependent on our senses.
  • Is God A He Or A She?
    Please explain this. I cannot see the connection between sensory capacity and gender specification.

    Our need for gender identification is to define their role based on their physical abilities.
    Without physical advantages or restrictions we eliminate judgement, pain, pride, etc.
    It also makes it nearly impossible to explain what comes after the bright light.
  • Is Consciousness an Illusion?
    Oliver sacks wrote of medical imaging and studies that prove 90% of what we see is generated from memory.
    If you consider angle of vision and the infinite obstructions as well as pre existing prejudice,
    reality would appear to be a consensus.

    did you see that? followed by description

    also the particles in your line of vision usually mean that
    (if you could see everything, you could see nothing) just the particles floating in the
    mucosal lining of the eye.
    Each morning I watch the sun rise over a pristine mountain range and within 15 min. it completely disappears behind smog. fact
  • Which philosophy do you ascribe to and why?
    I consider philosophy a method of Reasoning
    a set of rules that do not change
    different philosophies suggest different realities
    unless you can agree on concrete facts discussion is futile
  • Is God A He Or A She?
    Isn't it sad that our concept of god must fit male or female?
    perhaps heaven is the absence of sensory frustration.
  • Nothingness and quantum mechanics.
    In Physics, "virtual" describes the mathematical or statistical state of a waveform in a field before it is actualized as a particle.

    (seek and ye shall find) not religious, an effort to appease the church

    The term “Virtual” in physics is analogous to “Spiritual” in meta-physics.
    Quantum entanglement may not be so spooky albert!
  • Has science strayed too far into philosophy?
    Science can not exist without philosophy
    Without logic science is just data!
    in Quantum physics energy equals matter, quantum entanglement and uncertainty theory rule.