• Understanding the New Left

    Political equality is different from economic equality. Political equality is never refuted besides not being equal to certain rulers (a governor of a state in the United States being an example of a ruler who is politically equal), The left, Communism and Socialism, is the side seeking equality of action. Most countries on the planet are individually oriented (oriented to freedom and the individual). The right of the economic spectrum (Market economy and Fascist economy) allows you the freedom to support yourself being self-sufficient and self-contained, and having fun while doing so.
  • Understanding the New Left

    You are very incorrect in your political philosophy. The range from left to right of the political spectrum goes like this: [Left] Communism, Socialism, Market Economy, Fascist Economy [Right]. Communism involves the whole populace being part of the government. No money is available. Socialism is Communist-lite, with government doing most things and allowing private businesses to operate with money. Those two are the left side of the political/economic spectrum. What we call the political spectrum has to do with economy rather than political governing or rulership. There's no left/right to do with monarchy, republic, empire, shogunate, or what have you.

    On the right, there is market economy, with very little interference from government in private economic affairs. Libertarians are on the right (Conservative), meaning rulership doing little on their own besides the private sector. Quality and value is very high in a market economy.

    Fascist economy is further right, needing only a head of economy to provide order. The benefit of fascist economy is equal to that of market economy, the difference being market economies can trade with each other [while fascist economies can provide for themselves internally everything they would need to import otherwise]. Nazi Germany was fascist (called National Socialism by Germans in those days), the United States were fascist under Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the Holy Roman Empire was fascist under High King Charlemagne, and the Incan Empire in South America was fascist under their emperors.
  • Freedom and Duty
    Freethought and karma yoga are the two components of freedom. Chogyam Trungpa in his book The Myth of Freedom talks of meditation in action as being a prerequisite to freedom. Karma yoga is clarity of self as self-action.

    Freethought is the honesty to choose the best or most fulfilling choice in the moment, neverminding what was good a minute or seconds ago. This honesty opens the mind to information otherwise unapproachable even by studious minds.
  • The self
    My thoughts are that once the constructed self is eliminated, what remains is not nothing, but a depth of existence and well being that goes entirely beyond the pragmatic existence of everyday living. Nirvana, throughout the literature, confirms this.Constance

    That is a very accurate statement you've made. You've just slammed the question of self and reality into the stands.

    Nirvana is a related topic that deals with the extinguishment of the personality. Complete nirvana, more officially called "Fifth Nirvana," is the final extinguishment.

    Another self-revealing attainment is something called "liberation unleashed." It is the removal of the I-thought in the pineal. It could be called the transcendence of the "objective ego."

    Another "ego" (2nd ego) could be considered to be any form of judgment of good or not good. This ego leaves one unclear and cloudy in terms of their assessment of their reality.

    One last "ego" (3rd ego) is the arrangement of personal nucleus around self-pride and the achievements and comparative betterment that attenuate a high view of oneself. This self is transcended as the 8th stage of the 10 oxherding pictures where the mandala of experience is an empty circle. The previous stage in preparation is the transcending of the ox of independent doership, The bull gives way as stream-entry is engaged and all action is one action.
  • The perfect question
    What would be the motivation to harm someone? The reason to not harm someone would be not to harm yourself. Just sit, and ponder infallibility. The product of this exercise is perfection of form and function.
  • The self
    Ethics in a world where only you exist..;

    Love of self is the same love for other selves around you. Perfection in relations is elementary.
  • Understanding the New Left
    There is no oppressed and marginalized people anywhere on the planet. There is news and articles about fictional realities, incentivized by a previously unclear (in objectivity) but powerful group. There is also no and never have been on the planet racism or movements of civil rights. Inner city poverty had been caused by the speaking and using of improper language, but today differences in earnings are being reconciled.
  • Why do some argue the world is not real/does not exist?

    The ultimate reality is indistinguishable from the self. The self being all, corroborates that there is no world separate from the self. Jan Westerhoff uses the term "irrealism" to describe a world inseparable from the self.

    It's important to know that we selves come self-sufficient and self-contained, not independent but self-directing. There are no relationships with other people, since there is only you.