• The world of Causes
    I don’t know about anybody else’s consciousness, but this is how I see it. There is a lot of traffic in the mind. There are thoughts, memories, feelings, dreams, daydreams, ideas, wants, needs, imaginations, inspirations, assumptions, intuitions, beliefs, understandings, knowing, the inner chatter, etc. They all have their own distinct properties and each one has its own level of focus which determine the level of one’s awareness. Consciousness is always focused on something. I could focus on my thoughts and imaginations of what reality could be, or I could focus on my senses which will get me in touch with the physical reality. There is a difference in experiencing reality and thinking about it. It’s the difference between knowing and understanding. When I say I “understand” something, what I really mean is that there is a concept of it in my mind that when I compare it to reality, it matches. However, when I say I “know” something, I really mean that I truly know it and if I’m not sure of something, it’ll always remain in the category of the things I DON’T know. Therefore, I “know” about my consciousness, but I only “understand” other people’s consciousness. All the things that I know to be true for a fact, I have personally learned through first-hand experience and all the interesting things that I don’t know, I learn by trial and error through experiment and taking action, which can only be done in the present moment. The things I know, I never have to remember. I live with them as they decode my reality. The things I think I understand are accessed through memories and I have to try, sometimes very hard to see “if” I remember them. So, I could say with confidence that I “know” about the present moment, but I only “understand” how the near future will most likely turn out, depending on my past memories, but I don’t know about all the unknown, probable variables that the future holds, nor do I remember every little detail about my past. So, all I really can work with that is reliable, is in the present moment. That third person perspective is created in the mind, solely from the first person’s understanding of its own experience of reality. All the unknown variables that are not within the experiences, understandings and assumptions of the first person, are not considered, as they remain unknown. That’s the whole idea that the third person perspective is trying to achieve in the first place; to understand the unknown. But in order to have that third person perspective, you must first consider EVERYTHING in the bigger picture, or else it’s no different than the first person perspective and in order to consider everything, you must first have a third person perspective where you can observe all the unknown things that the first person can’t possibly observe, which makes the whole thing an illogical loop. All of that will always remains in the level of thoughts which determine how aware the individual is in the shared, physical reality, where everyone has access to experiences, not just the inaccessible reality of one individual’s thoughts.
  • The world of Causes
    Objectivity cannot be experienced from a subjective point of view. You can think about the idea of looking at your reality from a third person's perspective, but that's just a thought experiment of one individual who is picturing what objectivity could be. That objectivity is “subject” to that individual's perspective, which makes it subjective by definition.
    A thought is not an experiential reality. Reality is taking place in front of you, in the present moment, where if something new happens, you have the chance to experience it. As soon as you explore the ideas of the past or the future, or entertain any other thought, you're no longer focusing on reality, but only focusing on a thought or a concept of what reality is or could be. The only time that you can ever experience is taking place right now and the "now" keeps changing. Possessing that point of view takes the “line” out of timeline. And if time is not viewed linearly, then THE future can be viewed as many probable futures that can be reached, depending on one's actions through free will in the present moment. That makes the concept of time more like a two dimensional plane instead of a line.
    Being in the present moment is focusing on your senses instead of your thoughts.