• The self
    My premise is that everything we know is in existence and we know nothing of what is outside it. Therefore any thought or other about what is outside existence cannot be more than speculation (it can only have any value within existence) Phenomenology is the speculation of the unknown and some speculation cannot be anything but speculation. If I said I believed there are angels and demons that exist outside our existence there is no way of proving it because we cannot be outside existence. What we can know (but don't) differs from what we are not able to know because it cannot be known.
    My position is that the self has the same premise and is a part of existence that is unknowable. This could take a lot of explaining but our lives as a journey in time and space seems to be part of existence of which we cannot know from outside self.
  • The self
    I think for all us soul searchers the relentless seeking for answers has prevented us all to look at 'what is' and claim 'there must be more to this than "what is"'. This notion will always have those who seek beyond and believe there is always more.
    Simply, we know too little to say we know so much. Thus there may be more, but our capacity it limited to understanding what we can know.
    There has to be a point or points of origin. A point so fundamental that further questioning can only project from it, around it or despite it. It is hard to exclude existence from this base line, and trying to define it is an interesting exercise. Either way it appears to be a 'what is' from which we launch all our everything.
  • Is Quality An Illusion?
    We quantify everything by our definitions. nothing escapes the parameters of what we know. If you think it's an ism, a dogma or a prejudice then tell me differently.
  • The self
    (in response to Constance)
    The problem is order and value. how do you value a moment compared to an eon or infinity. how do you value a quark compared to a planet. For us humans we have to be able to quantify and qualify things and put them in order to understand some form of algorithm or story that makes sense to us.
    What I'm calling existence is outside our conscious awareness (self) and hence cannot be valued within existence or our value systems.
    The problem may be (relating to Constance's issue) that your looking for meaning where their is none. Existence doesn't present questions or answers, it just 'is'. What it is everyone and anyone will question but there is no substance or temporal 'fix' we can put on it because it is outside our knowledge and perhaps our understanding of what it is, so it does not fit into the categories, orders and values we have for all other things, there is no interconnective or relational connection to it as compared with all other things within it. It is as definitive as we have got, it is the base of our being the base of our universal understanding.

    What is in the world and the interaction of self in the world, everything we do, feel ,think and be is another story of dissection, division, definition, purpose and reason. This is where the complexity of uniqueness, individualism, ism's, social beliefs, systems of belief, and just being in existence itself lies.
  • Is Quality An Illusion?
    Psychology is the study of how, why and what we think and is encompassed within our communal or social beliefs of how that works. From Freud to EMDR psychology is an attempt to understand the reality of our interactions within the world, and the functioning of our mechanisms to understand it.
  • Is Quality An Illusion?
    What we have as conscious awareness comes from the physical mechanics of our being (whole system of body) we have one of these bodies each and this allows us to have thought. Hence conscious awareness is unique and individual to each of us. Conscious awareness is 'self' but it is illusionary by knowing that mine is different to yours and given that all cannot be absolute in it's truth or the same in it's perception then the idea of illusion is what you can describe self with.
    Because we are illusionary and singular in our self, physical, intellectual, emotional, material or everything else, it is purely within out minds, not in existence. What is in existence that we subscribe labels and understand our perceptions with, are separate to our understanding and beliefs of them because we do not have access to existence itself.
    A lot of the previous discussions go into other fields and mix up what things are. Color is not real, it's in the mind, it's what we perceive from conscious awareness, the same goes for everything we sense and think.
    This may seem a reductionist concept to many but it is based on what we can know and why we can know it.
  • The self
    We only know self in juxtaposition to the world and also as part of it. The self has no known material existence that inside or outside the world. Many will provide component parts to show existence of self, this is not relevant. Only you can know self as you do. you cannot know others 'self' because you cannot be other anything. Hence 'self' is the unique you and inclusive of all. .
  • Will Continued Social Distancing Ultimately Destroy All Human Life on this Planet?
    The point of all the masks, rules and whatever is not just the virus itself but you need to include the social responses of humans. Some will say it's all propaganda for some higher purpose, others will follow like sheep, some with rebel with anger and others will understand and accept. What often happens is that most people don't know what they are talking about and some try to infect others with their own verbal viruses because their made up ideas are superior to all others.
  • Is Quality An Illusion?
    Mathematics is symbolism. Like all things human it is representative of reality but not reality itself. We can propose anything relates to anything but human knowledge is too small and primal to know if mathematics has a broad application to everything.
  • Is Quality An Illusion?
    Quantity directly relates to mass, Quality relates to the components that make up a mass. Quality is related to quantity by the point that quality presupposes mass..