• Why Be Happy?
    Thank you for your comment I enjoyed reading your contribution!
  • Maintaining Love in the family
    I responded to another post...there might be happy marriages however my post suggests there is and will be love without marriage and love doesn't need to be corporeal desire and it can involve physical intimacy...love needs to be there first and within the person to nurture, respect and have in all relations...if not, then emptiness and grabbing at anything is existence and dissatisfaction as well as discontent and resentment or ressentiment...images of celebrities,.models and empty relationships, and broken marriages without support which creates the dominant IMAGE in my society (can't speak for India, for example) which is predominantly white western capitalism.
  • Why do many people say Camus "solved" nihilism?
    perhaps the absurd opens relations with others once the usual drudgery of unquestioned social armour has been cracked and experience can be shared (like through books)?
  • Why Be Happy?
    If you are asking WHY .... aren't you already depressed/sad?
    Happiness, in therapy, is often associated with acceptance and commitment: don't struggle or fight with the unchangeable past and commit to quality of life (mental health) in the present...
    Happiness is brain massage and brain health (neurotransmitters) as well as simplicity for mental health (not depressed, yet can accept a range of emotions), and great in relationships... What brings happiness? How is happiness experienced/created?
    Happiness can be the stability when there is a known spectrum between STRIFE and LOVE....in life...
  • Maintaining Love in the family
    Seems like LOVE is tangled in knots? What if in the present and there are so many moments to be present there is love without catastrophe and rumination...Love exists without marriage and marriage exists without love...when self love brings confidence and enjoyment why isn't that enough? Personal boundaries seem more of an issue especially when here is contempt for others peace happiness and LOVE...
  • Why do many people say Camus "solved" nihilism?
    Is nihilism there to be "solved"? Like this forum aren't we in time and so was Camus and then that reveals our limitations as well as our potential (if disregard taken for granted assumptions about subjectivity in political bonds, economic bonds, and other "seen as successful" social status institutions)... There is love and Camus does speak of it...
  • The paradox of Gabriel's horn.
    It's seems quite simple to take the easy way out and suggest the divine link to the infinite - archangel Gabriel trumpet to announce Judgement Day and the finite number that the divine will take or make it through Judgement...there's not a paradox as such that brings doubt and uncertainty, there is instead the finite within the infinite and vice versa the infinite in the finite...the concept of the divine is difficult to grasp or imagine because it goes beyond our imagination as finite humans...those who believe in a soul understand that this is a connection with the infinite within the finite...as for paint that's another substance that has a finite life cycle....
    The mathematics others have presented ...still complex and fascinating and obviously I haven't watched the YouTube clip...