• A very expensive book.
    I find our general culture of fear and rights violating far more concerning than what people do with their money.Book273

    Is the same.
    I know the editor. He is a ruthless capitalist. That book will be in the public domain when frogs breed hair. The book he sells is written in Spanish. When do you think he will translate it into English if he makes enough money publishing a handful of books in Spanish?
    One guy trades in gold or diamonds. This I can admit. They are stupid goods for stupid people. But a guy who traffics in cultural property, be it science articles or philosophy treatises... well, it is something inadmissible.
    Culture must be in the public domain.

    You must be very foolish, little Shakespeare.
  • The Reason America’s Falling

    Hitler was Shitler. He ended up with a nation. She left a continent in shit. He screwed up the world. And all thanks to that asshole.
  • A very expensive book.

    I can not believe it. The world has gone to hell.
  • A very expensive book.

    Paying a fortune for a jewel seems outrageous to me, but I get it. Paying a fortune for a painting, the same. But paying € 85,000 for a book (metaphysics!?) Is crazy. If you have that much money, donate to Greenpeace or adopt a child. It is not a matter of perspective.
  • A very expensive book.

    I don't know anything else. The information escaped a bookbinder's assistant. She was a bit drunk. When I asked out of curiosity, she was fired, ergo ...
  • A very expensive book.

    The world has gone mad ... or always was.
  • A very expensive book.

    It will have a title. I would call it the Maltese Falcon, because it is too expensive, even if it deserves it. A book is not a bag of gold coins.
  • A very expensive book.

    The publisher called him Habib (?). Who is Habib? Does anyone know a metaphysician named Habib? An Arab, I guess. I knew of the existence of very expensive pictorial works. Nobody sells a Degas work, because of inflation. It is a stable value. But it is the first time that I find a limited edition of 25 copies of a book. It's crazy.
  • A very expensive book.

    An apartment, a bed, a mattress, a kitchen, a washing machine, a refrigerator ... are things that have immediate utility. You enjoy them. But what leads someone to buy such an expensive book (and also metaphysics)? It is crazy.

    When a book is expensive enough, it is not shared, because the price gets cheaper.
  • If you had the answer to world peace.
    I would silence the answer. The reason can be read in the Frank Miller comic entitled Tales to Offend # 1

  • Israel killing civilians in Gaza and the West Bank
    Nazi Germany is to the ghetto of Poland like Israel to the autonomy of Gaza. Comparing the military actions of a regular army with those of a militia is stupid. The Nazis also complained that some Polish Jews had pistols. Pistols against tanks. A whole balance of forces.

  • Solutions For A Woke Dystopia

    You fight in vain. Synthesis is a person who has opinions and has read something, but has little idea of philosophy. He works a lot in an occupation that does not interest him, to buy things that he does not need and to impress others who do not matter to him. He is a pre-Kantian sophist. "Idea for a universal history with a cosmopolitan purpose" is his future, but he doesn't know it yet.
  • Solutions For A Woke Dystopia

    An off-topic forum is like a coffee shop. A philosophy forum is about philosophy. The problem is that those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. And I am surprised that your opinions are of an adult, especially since they tell me "Kant in vain... Kant in vain... Kant in vain..." It is something amazing and sad.
  • Solutions For A Woke Dystopia

    Your thinking is pre-Kantian. It is normal for you to be anti-Marxist. You remind me of my father. Two days before he died he realized that he had worked his entire existence and had barely enjoyed life. He lived as others used to and he thought that he had made a decision that belonged to others. You boast that you have done a lot of Zen Buddhism (which seems silly to me, it's better to sleep). You should read "Idea for a universal history with a cosmopolitan purpose" by I. Kant. He will do you good.
  • Solutions For A Woke Dystopia
    After accumulating all of this experience and knowledge, why should I step aside when i still have a great deal to offer?

    Because you are out of reality, with a step in death. You may think you are better than you were, but it is a delusion of your imagination. If you don't realize that you are no better person than you were in your 20s, then you are just stupid. I retired at 60 and I contemplate the evil that the old do to society, in particular all the hypocritical bandits who have the government imprisoned. Vampyrs.
  • Solutions For A Woke Dystopia

    I am sixty-three years old and I know what old men are capable of. I am one of them. We must give way to the new generations.
  • Solutions For A Woke Dystopia

    Dale Carnegie wrote a book to make friends. It is a manual of "tactical sociability", of manipulation, which is what you seem to regard as a virtue.
    Poets, visual artists and musicians agreed that love and friendship is a thing of youth. Shakespeare did not write "Romeo and Juliet at 80's". Praxiteles did not sculpt old women. Chuck Berry didn't write "Sweet Little Eighty." Aristotle believed that the old men in government were a problem. Their reason is no a entelechy. Greeks and Romans considered that the truth was in the opinion of the drunkards, the madmen... and the children. Nietzsche exalts the condition of the child in front of the lion, the camel and the dragon. Every old man has a big hump of prejudices and spits fire...
    Love, friendship and brotherhood are found in youth. If you did not love, have no friends, or experience the feeling of human brotherhood then, you never will. It will be just an old sociopath, someone who will promptly salute others for "tactical sociability."
    Humanity will improve the day a virus kills everyone who turns 50. Until then, an amendment could greatly improve the country's government.
  • Solutions For A Woke Dystopia

    There are three ways of being. Real being is the idealistic, typical of young people. Next is practical and effective being, for adults. The third and least effective way of being belongs to the old people, dirty and corrupt.
    Reality suggests that older people are like vampires: ogres, selfish, interconnected, and willing to hate. Young people are generous and open to love and friendship.

    In other words: War is a place where young people, who do not know each other and do not hate each other, kill each other by decision of the dirty old men, who know and hate each other, but do not kill each other. Erich Hartman.
  • Solutions For A Woke Dystopia

    Just as Amendment XXII limited the number of terms to avoid a dictator, a new amendment can rid the US of the gerontocracy to which it has been subjected.
  • Marxist concept of “withering away of the state”

    You talk about something anecdotal to criticize what you haven't bothered to read. Come on!: One step further and you will criticize communism because Marx had warts or hairs on his butt.
  • Solutions For A Woke Dystopia

    Solution # 1 To the real source

    Prohibit by law that a person over 50 years of age can hold any political office.
  • Marxist concept of “withering away of the state”

    Your idea of Marxism is childish. You know nothing. Even what you claims to criticize is anecdotal. Talking to you is a waste of time.
  • Marxist concept of “withering away of the state”

    Since you are not going to get out of life alive, the only purpose of life will be death. Another thing will be that we imagine other intermediate ends.
    That the majority is convinced of something does not determine the truth of that something.
  • Marxist concept of “withering away of the state”

    You are asking about the mistakes. Trying to understand a topic by pretending to confirm your own opinions is not an honest orientation.
    Extrapolating your "reasoning": "What is the purpose of life if we don't even know what the objective is?" Is that also a major flaw to live on?
  • Marxist concept of “withering away of the state”

    The idea of ​​the disappearance of the State arises as an ideal in Kant (as a cosmopolitan society) and explicitly in Fichte. Every state that serves what it claims to serve ends in the suppression of the state. In theory, the State has a pragmatic justification as an instrument to resolve conflicts between individuals and promote institutions oriented to the public good. However, in reality, the State is a coercive element. It goes from the right to the far-right. It is always in the hands of the ruling classes. Lobbyists run the state and promote fascism. A politician can enter politics to improve the lives of others, but soon the only thing he wants is to stay in politics, that is, to live off others. This parasitism is not achieved in vain. Those who sponsor his party, receive a change in favor of oppressing the majority. There comes a time when the alienation of a society is such that the majority defend interests that harm them and are unable to even imagine that another reality is possible.
  • Buddhism and Communism

    You write like a child. The worst thing is that you think like a child too.
    I don't care about the Republican party or the Democrat. Ultra far right and far right respectively. It makes no difference to me that you criticizes Biden. Another old man like Trump.
    Those politicians are for what they are for: saving taxes for billionaires, distributing debts and miseries to the rest of the population and, basically, poisoning the environment.
    None of this seems to me to be of interest to the majority. To get the majority of people interested in issues that run counter to their material interest, they have to be alienated or infantilized. That is why I no longer will argue with you. It's like trying to teach algebra with a three-year-old... Do I seem insecure enough to you?
  • Buddhism and Communism

    If you believe that the disparity of individuals (genetics?) explains differences in wealth, you have an adolescent's view of society. You better keep looking at the NBA. As far as I know, the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few is explained in terms of robbery and murder. The most outlaw and scoundrel takes the jackpot. The super scoundrels control the government and exercise power so that their crimes do not land them in jail. Trump is the symptom. He is not Jefferson. He is not Roosevelt. He is an idiot, a manifestation that you end up in jail if you don't have enough money to avoid it. In Evil you trust. I'm afraid you're out outside of Christianity, of the morality indeed.

    You can study contemporary history. Wikileaks, for example. In a world where the happiness of a few depends on the unhappiness and death of the majority, an attempt is made to condemn the messenger who publishes blood crimes. Do you know why former American leaders avoid leaving the country? It is not for the love of the country. Kissinger has spent decades on US soil avoiding activating an international arrest warrant for his responsibility in the criminal government of Augusto Pinochet. Are you read the parable of the temptations of Jesus in the desert? You have given in to the temptations of the devil and the worst thing is how little money must have been enough for you to bow down to him.

    If you regards Biden as the left, you only manifests simplicity . Bernie Sanders is to the right of the ideology of any European Social Democratic party. Someone incapable of defending health coverage for the entire population, unemployment benefits, paid parental leave and the care of dependent parents, retirement and the protection of the most marginalized groups belongs to the left. They are absolute duties, performed in those states where bandits do not extract all the wealth of the nation through the government action.

    No billionaire has been able to concentrate so much wealth except by stealing the present and future of entire generations inside or outside the country. If they are so patriotic, let them give half of their fortune to others. What measures do successive governments take? Lower his taxes. And you think it's good.

    Gospel is too complex for Kindergarten. Keep watching the NBA. It is the Disney channel for adults.
  • Buddhism and Communism

    What you call "communism" I call Christianity. The only thing that is well distributed in capitalism is poverty for the majority and violence for the rest of the world.
    The government is taken over by the lobbies. That D. Trump was crowned president says it all. The wolf and the fox guarding the chicken coop. The United States has not even been able to convict a guy who tried to carry out a self-coup or put him behind bars. Alberto Fujimori succeeded and, despite everything, Peru condemned him and remains in the Barbadillo jail. Today's Peruvian democracy is healthier than that of the United States. Is it acceptable?
    Capitalism worked much better while it had the threat of communism. The governments in the hands of the capitalists found it necessary to distribute part of their wealth to prevent the majority of the population from voting for the communists.
    Today the next target of capitalism to beat is democracy. Hitler kept the capitalist system intact, funneling tens of billions of dollars to arms manufacturers, financiers, and industrialists. He cleaned up the state companies with public money to sell them to the capitalists and settle scores by looting the Jews and any opponents of the regime. He dismantled German democracy. Next? Ban rival political parties, suspend civil liberties, ban unions, have thousands of political opponents assassinated and impose martial law ... and make unimaginable to think another thing. This was fascism: the operation of government for the benefit of corporations and the wealthy. We all know what happened next: they increased the extortion apparatus of the German state, they looted the resources of the rest of the countries through the war machine (if you want, we can talk about oil and mineral resources from Iraq, Syria or Afghanistan) and they liquidated without hesitation anyone who opposed them abroad (especially in those "shit countries" that Trump was talking about).
    The Germans of the interwar period, the non-Jews, had the same opinion as you: that capitalism was a magnificent system for doing good & funnies business. The Polish did not think exactly the same. The fun business here is murder there.
    This is unacceptable. It is outside of Christianity.
  • Buddhism and Communism

    The poor are poor in any country in the world. Highly capitalist countries steal energy and mineral resources from other countries, increasing violence in them. In the country itself, the highly capitalist government prints more bills, increasing inflation and robbing everyone except the big capitalists, friends of the rulers, who keep their tax breaks. Have you heard of Marine General Smedley Butler?
    A slave is a slave when he is not even able to imagine that another world is possible.
  • Buddhism and Communism

    Capitalism creates the greatest opportunity for the same group. While communism existed, the capitalists presumed to give up part of the surplus value in social rights, but the USSR went bankrupt. In my opinion, all the standard bearers of American capitalism who are patriots could demonstrate their patriotism by giving half of the wealth they have accumulated to the rest of their compatriots whom they have not stopped plundering. They would continue to live like gods and others would have coverage for pregnancy, illness and retirement. I am ashamed to see that a 90-year-old man has to continue working for the Amazon boss if he wants to live.
  • Buddhism and Communism

    Capitalism is despicable. A large-scale robbery. The rich are getting richer and are doing their best to steal more from the poor. A country in which the salary of a waiter depends on tips is a despicable country.
  • Is Learning How To Move On The Most Important Lesson In Philosophy?

    A Soviet commissar entered the home of a geography teacher and said to him: "Starting today, your house belongs to me and you will serve me. Do you agree?" The teacher said nothing, but from that day on he prepared and served the food, washed the clothes, went shopping and did not say a single word. The years passed and the geography teacher still didn't speak. One day, the commissioner suffered a heart attack. The teacher wrapped it up, buried it, responded and said, "No."