Death Penalty Dilemma This is also why gene therapy could significantly change things in regards to this. If we are actually able to successfully alter criminals' biology to make them less violent and also less capable of deriving pleasure from evil and forbidden/illegal acts, then there could indeed be legitimate arguments for reducing their sentences--possibly even significantly. Of course, they might also need to go into a witness protection program or something after getting released because otherwise they could simply get lynched or something by a "vigilante justice" mob which is still going to be angry at them for what they did before in spite of their genes and/or biology already being changed since then.
And Yes, I do think that if gene editing/gene therapy of human adults will ever actually become possible to such an extent, then theoretically, *maybe* it could eventually be possible to alter the genes and/or biology of mentally and psychologically healthy, decent, and well-behaved people in order to turn them into brutal, sadistic, sociopathic criminals and even serial killers. So, Yes, I do stand by what I said that who we are is probably to a very large extent a factor of our genes and/or our biology.