Many Christians literally can’t stomach criticizing their god even a little bit. Much less as harsh as Lewis has done. For whatever reason, (their upbringing, they’re too afraid, they think he is perfect..whatever). They just don’t. — laura ann
True atheist does not defend atheism.Do you not fear their revenge for offending them and their God with your atheism? — baker
It's actually simple to answer, a Christian believes in Jesus such that it does not deny it.Again this is an impossible question to answer, because we need to agree first on who a Christian is, and for that we need a definition — god must be atheist
Ah, but there is the rub. The character, essence and teaching of Christ are up for interpretation. — god must be atheist
Would you agree that whatever is real exists, and that whatever is not real does not exist, and that, similarly, anything that exists is real, and anything that does not exist is not real? — Leghorn
Those who do not believe in god, when they die, will be cast into eternal torment.
This is a punishment out of all proportion with the offence.
Christians hold that the person who inflicts this unjust punishment - God - is worthy of worship. — Banno
print("I am an infinite loop")} — emancipate
What I don’t understand is in the Bible, Jesus communicates directly with God. Wouldn’t this amount to nothing more than talking to yourself? — Pinprick
The meaning of his words of being forsaken is well explained in Psalms 22,2 which start with same famous quote.How could Jesus feel forsaken, as he famously declares on the cross? — Pinprick
Do you have free will regarding your thoughts? Well, first notice that your thoughts occur linearly through time in succession. This means that you think your thoughts one at a time, one after another. Thus, every thought is your next thought at some point in time. According to Slattery’s definition of free will, you must always have more than one viable option to choose between for your next thought in order to have free will regarding your thoughts. However, it’s never possible for you to have more than one viable option to choose between for your next thought. — Paul Michael
Firstly, the death of religion, then we'd merge with (be uplifted by) artificial intelligence and perhaps, in the end, attain transcension... — 180 Proof
Various metals, types of fuel and similar are not unlimited We are consuming the futureYou provide no explanation as to what the limit of exploitation on the planet Earth actually is, so I fail to see why the colonization of space is necessary to achieve technological ascendancy — Sheffwally
For now yes, but hard to predict, mass destruction weapons are less than 100 years old invention compared to 7K+ years without them.The effective counter measure to nukes is the possibility of offense (M.A.D.). It's pretty hard to call this ineffective, considering the world hasn't been destroyed by nukes since their creation. — Sheffwally
True, that's truly something but only thanks to advancements in economics and agriculture, trade and business become much more profitable than wars.Also, consider the fact that we live in the most peaceful time in human history WITH the most powerful weapons. — Sheffwally
What will be required for this to happen (ie war, climate change, civil unrest, etc.) I don't know but it is likely it will take quite some time unless there is something to motivate both people and the powers that be that something needs to be done so that we don't remain just as we are. — dclements
You must have received a specific piece of revelation supplied by god to come to the conclusion that guilt => punishment. — ToothyMaw
Guilt is guilt, and your comeuppance could reasonably come from anyone it seems to me - unless god stipulates that it is only he who can punish certain acts in certain ways. And if god doesn't make that stipulation, then, according to his own laws, he might be rendered not so omnibenevolent, and thus not exist. Or be evil. . — ToothyMaw
K-T Boundary — James Riley
Awesome insight!And still time for something else to do it all over again; many, many times. Just like the ones before us. — James Riley
whether any alien civilizations have technologically ascended. That would clue us in to the possibility. Of course we would need to detect one, which raises the Fermi Paradox and the Great Filter solution as a possibility. No civilizations ascend. — Marchesk
A "technology ascendent" xeno-civilization is, much more likely than not, undetectable by our comparatively primitive technologies. We're observing one or more now and interpreting them only as natural phenomena (i.e. background radiation, etc) like a mayfly obliviously buzzing around a dog park in the heart of Los Angeles, Rome or Bangkok. — 180 Proof
Is social media making society more mentally ill?
Are there more mental illness now vs. before Social media was discovered? — TheQuestion
* Fake News and how it is normalizing, paranoia and delusional thinking.
* Division in our Society - promoting prejudice thinking
* Creating a culture of wanting to be right
* How Social Media can distort our cognitive perspective because of algorithms — TheQuestion
But if space is expanding in all directions, and if I am not at the center of it, then it would seem that it could not simply start with an absence of itself in a single spot and expand from there. — James Riley
Is running good or bad? — khaled
Personally, I don't accept the specific god-models & creeds of most religions, but I also can't accept the notion of an accidental real world with laws & organisms. — Gnomon
The fact that flat earth used to be widely believed is irrelevant. It wasnt a conspiracy theory back then but rather erroneous science. Today, it fits every metric of a conspiracy theory. — DingoJones
so there can be no such thing as an uncaused cause — Olivier5
wikipediapolitical scientist Lance deHaven-Smith suggested that the term entered everyday language in the United States after 1964, the year in which the Warren Commission published its findings on the Kennedy assassination
torture is of limited value as a deterrent. And torture desensitizes victims and perpetrators alike so they are less likely to avoid their own pain or feel empathy for those around them, making society more unethical. — Enrique
This nothingness, which is colourless odorless touchless, and unobservable by its very absence of atoms is still a "thing" in as much as it is a "nothing." — SpinOwOza
1 - 1 = 0
For what we might call "true nothingness" would appear to us to be an impossibility — SpinOwOza
I'm not aware of any compelling evidence of a "conspiracy by the US government" to cover-up what actually happened on "9-11". — 180 Proof
At the singularity there was no mass yet. Only an extreme high spatial tension on the fluctuating field (which means, the virtual particle fields).The extreme high negative curvature (DE!) pushed that virtual stuff into real stuff — Verdi
The thing with Flat-Earthers is that they see the imprinting, imposing, of the globe on the people as a conspiracy. — Verdi
I'm not in love with this model, based on string theory, in which I don't believe, — Verdi