I will reply to your comment line by line.
Well, our world does have emotion, and me, as well as others on this discussion being humans, have emotion, and it would be practically impossible that no one brings there emotions to the table at some point. And I am fine with that, as long as people dont refuse to listen to logic because of it.
Personally, I do believe that emotions are instinctual responses to stimulus that help us survive as a species, and as a social group.
"Emotions become more of a digest, and a guide. If I feel angry at a situation, instead of just reacting, I think about it."
Well said.
However, you didnt pay attention to your own words.
You are telling us how grown ups can make rational decision by controlling/reducing emotions and how young people often can't.
Isn't that proof that if emotions didn't exist, then even the younger population would give some thought towards a situation without jumping to a wrong conclusion and do something horrible because of their emotions?
Why should we use emotions to guide us towards logical conclusions, if we can just use logic to do so?
I often discuss stuff with my brother who is a bit younger than me, but still makes excellent points and is very smart.
He made the same point about reflexes, and so, I already have answer to your point.
You and him assumed that reflexes, i.e. the ability of doing something without thinking was developed only because of emotions.
And i tell you, that it is a misconception.
He gave me the example of this query, and so, i will use it here as well.
Imagine a car is moving at a very high speed and is about to hit you, you only have enough time to either move away instantly and be safe or think about the situation and be lead to death.
He used this example thinking reflexes can only be developed in a situation where emotions exist.
I 100% agree that in our world, reflexes where in fact developed because of emotions.
However, assuming that logic can't make its own version of reflexes isn't a good assumption.
It is logical that death is not preferrable in most conditions.
As a result, in a world void of emotions, reflexes will be created.
Another point to note is that, accidents are often a case of people not obeying traffic rules, which is in itself an illogical thing to do, so in a world void of emotions, accidents would be atleast 99% more unlikely to happen.
If you are familiar with any sort of creative work, like video and photo editing, or programming ,or 2d and 3d designing, you will know that there are multiple ways to get the same result.
Reflexes are such a case.
Existence of emotions isnt the only way for reflexes to exist.
Now, talking about depression.
You say that even after having depression, you know that some days, you just gotta persevere through.
Some days, its just about existing and not about being happy or sad at every little thing. And as someone who has had experience in this situation, I know what it feels like, even though maybe what I have been through or what someone I care has been through wouldnt have been as bad as your or someone else's situation
But i presume, you will agree, that when you were facing this situation, you must have thought about doing anything, no matter how bad, to get rid of it. Some people do it by commiting suicide, but some like us, dont have the courage do it and hope that somehow it sorts out itself.
So, if I were to ask you this same question back then, i can guarantee or atleast make a good guess, that you will have agreed with me, and wanted a world without pain and suffering, even if it meant that you cant be happy either. Anything to ease the pain going through your heart, stabbing it a million times over and over.
Also, you yourself are stating that, some days are not exciting or happy to live through, yet you do.
So, why cant you do the same in a world void of emotions? Live it just because you have to as the only other choice is death.
Now, lets talk about violence.
This paragraph is simply just wrong, as you are only talking about one side of the coin.
You talked about how one emotion-less person can conclude that another emotion-less person doesnt not deserve to live.
But you didnt specify how it would happen, i.e. how someone will conclude such a thing.
If we look at it logically, in a world void of emotions, there would be no preferences.
No one would have a favourite color or a favourite taste or any sort of favouritism towards anything.
Meaning, everyone would share the same likes, same dislikes and uniqueness would cease to become a factor.
If there is no uniqueness and people are practically the same person, there would be nothing to disagree about and thus, nothing to conclude if someone is worth living or not, as by doing it they aren't just concluding such a thing about one person, but about the entire population.
So, with these in mind, we can assume that your statement has been proven wrong or atleast will not be considered as an absolute right, not unless my side of the statement can be proved otherwise.
Now, towards the next statement.
You say that violence is a good way to get things you need.
And there are already a lot of things disproving this statement.
For one, violence often requires more energy and time than just talking it out and using logic.
In a world void of emotions, people wouldnt do stuff that can decrease their energy and time unless its worth it.
Now for the seconds point, i would like to state what you said again, 'Violence is still an effective tool for getting things that you need.'
The only things someone would need in a world void of emotions is knowledge.
So, there would be no violence for land, money or any other sort of control of power, and there would be no reason for someone to keep knowledge for themselves and not share it, as it is a sign of greed.
So, I guess this statement has been disproved as well.
Now lets look at this - "I think it would severely hinder development from a child to an adult."
Like i have metioned before, if anything, it would help children to mature faster and spend more time gaining practical knowledge instead of learning how to control emotions and often supress them.
Also, from my message where i pointed out some topics of disccussion, i would like to bring out the 4th point again, as you might have missed that.
"4) Even if we consider that violence is possible without emotions, we still have ways to work with it. Just as we have a police force in our world, there would be a police force in a world void of emotions. There will be certain rules that descibe that any sort of killing or harming other is strictly not allowed."
So, we can be certain, that in a world void of emotions, there would still be law or atleast that there would be no need for one as there will be a guarantee that the rules will never be broken.