
  • You are not your body!

    Now please disguise your accounts or you will get banned again!
  • Anti-Vaxxers, Creationists, 9/11 Truthers, Climate Deniers, Flat-Earthers

    Its obvious. Nobody just drinks a random bottle. Especially with a pungent smell.
    You haven't thought this through at all have you?
  • You are not your body!
    Panpsychism is a wishy washy half materialist theory.
    Be brave,go full spiritual non materialist!
  • You are not your body!

    Do keep up! I'm not a materialist. Try reading closely.
  • You are not your body!

    Feel what?
    Panpsychism is compromise materialism. Half hearted waffle.
  • You are not your body!

    Nonsense. You don't experience inside your brain.
    What about your feet?
  • Mikhail Bakhtin's Dialogic Imagination
    Epistemology and ontology are intuitive and dialogical.
    Bakhtin uses too much grandiose obfuscatory language (so ironic!)
    But his concepts of speech acts/dialogism is superb.

    In truth the great clear novelist will express more about truth than the philosopher or scientist ever will.

    The great novelist or poet is a phenomenologist and psychologist without the waffly and authoritarian dogma,and writes or talks with a high degree of clear concise eloquence.
  • Your thoughts on Efilism?
    What a load of nonsense is this -ism!!!
    More waffle from decadents and wimps.
  • You are not your body!
    @Alkis Piskas
    People who believe their mind is their brain or that their self is their body have either swallowed the scientism lie or are too scared to think about life after material death.

    And your right,it's not to do with thinking. It's obvious and Intuitive.
    All true artists and dancers know the material body is not the spirit!
    Never trust scientists on these matters!
    Trust your instincts only!
  • Coronavirus

    Yawn! Two years of "plan-demic" and not so much as a scratch or anybody I know with a scratch.
    Biggest and only casualty is the truth.
  • Anti-Vaxxers, Creationists, 9/11 Truthers, Climate Deniers, Flat-Earthers

    Totally circular reasoning.
    Marijuana lowers symptoms.
    Big Pharma is not the only game in town monsieur.
  • Anti-Vaxxers, Creationists, 9/11 Truthers, Climate Deniers, Flat-Earthers

    I remember the days when Christians would castigate people,don't you believe in the eucharist and demons on a pin!!!??? Same tired old appeal to authority.
    Are you a trained priest!!! Or a bootlicker of priests!
  • Anti-Vaxxers, Creationists, 9/11 Truthers, Climate Deniers, Flat-Earthers

    Well my common sense differs greatly from yours.
    Medicine has a proven track record of lying.
  • Anti-Vaxxers, Creationists, 9/11 Truthers, Climate Deniers, Flat-Earthers
    Well you trust your "experts" just like Christians trust their priests.
    I will trust my intelligence thanks.
  • Anti-Vaxxers, Creationists, 9/11 Truthers, Climate Deniers, Flat-Earthers
    I boxed without a headguard.
    And I will Continue to live exactly as I see fit.
    All these precautions and intrusions are based on fear and deliberate lies.
    Zero sleep lost from these lies.
    I suppose your celibate,vegan and never pick your nose in public?
  • Anti-Vaxxers, Creationists, 9/11 Truthers, Climate Deniers, Flat-Earthers
    Because car crashes are a potential occurrence,though very rate.
    Dying from a cold is zero,unless your already very ill.
    Your big pharma govt propoganda mean zero.
    I notice your avoiding the gay cure example I gave,very disingenuous.
    Fact is you
    believe in vaccines a priori from appeal to authority and fear.
  • Anti-Vaxxers, Creationists, 9/11 Truthers, Climate Deniers, Flat-Earthers
    You thinking some Tinpot paranoic calling me irrational means anything to me!!!
    The fact people have died in boxing means I shouldn't box,or that I should be scared or take a vaccine beforehand???
    Get out of here with your Wimpish rationality.
  • Anti-Vaxxers, Creationists, 9/11 Truthers, Climate Deniers, Flat-Earthers
    False equivalence! Nice sleight of hand!
    Bottoming line,its choice,mine not yours mister tinpot.
    Like a cold is the same as driving in a car!
  • Anti-Vaxxers, Creationists, 9/11 Truthers, Climate Deniers, Flat-Earthers
    Sorry,I don't follow your scientific religion salvation route.
    I never died of measles or colds or anything else!
    Yet wasn't I exposed to them during my life?
    Yes,whenever a paradigm doesn't benefit big pharma it is changed to a more lucrative one.
    Just think,we would have been having this same conversation years ago about "curing" gay people.
    And you would have been dead wrong then,just like you are now,despite your dialectic mumbo jumbo.
  • Anti-Vaxxers, Creationists, 9/11 Truthers, Climate Deniers, Flat-Earthers
    You see I have explained clearly my reasons and you still want to badger. Face to face I would tell you go fuck off and get out of my business.
    Corona is the name for the common cold look it up.
    Because pasteurs theory doesn't make sense in the real world. Nor is it proven by kochs postulates.
    If I feel a risk I would wear a seat belt or such like. But that's my choice.
  • Anti-Vaxxers, Creationists, 9/11 Truthers, Climate Deniers, Flat-Earthers
    I see no danger from colds.
    Vaccines are unnecessary against potential colds.
    They do not work.
    A cold is not dangerous unless you are already very ill.
    Colds are natural.
    I don't wear a cast before I hurt my leg,just in case!
    I don't believe in germ theory. That's nonsense from monsieur pasteur.
    Plus,your not the judge of my health.
    You wanna take vaccines,go ahead your free. I believe they are useless. And yes,you can get adverse reactions in some cases.
    I'm not getting in the way of your choice. You can do the same to me.
  • Anti-Vaxxers, Creationists, 9/11 Truthers, Climate Deniers, Flat-Earthers
    There is no risk.
    I only take medicine when I'm sick,and even then only if I feel the need.
    My lifestyle and fitness regime is better than 99% of the folks yapping about health.
    Really,you think everyone should vax because you THINK it's safer for you that way.
    Sorry,I don't live life in fear like a pussy.
    I would rather you concern about freedom than my health.
    Nor am I swayed in the slightest by your appeal to "rational decision". I'm a better rational judge of my health than you,wouldn't you say,Big brother?
    And your comment about bleach is irrational and stupid.
  • Anti-Vaxxers, Creationists, 9/11 Truthers, Climate Deniers, Flat-Earthers
    Well I'm very healthy.
    Why are you so concerned about my health but not freedom?
  • Anti-Vaxxers, Creationists, 9/11 Truthers, Climate Deniers, Flat-Earthers
    It is definately a reason to mistrust big pharma and mainstream medicine.
    No I don't see doctors or take their antibiotics.
    When I'm sick,which is very rare,or have a sports injury I heal myself with nutrition,exercise and will power.
    If need be I use some over the counter or underground medicine. Only sources I trust.
    But bottom line,its my choice.
  • Coronavirus
    By vaccine logic all sexually promiscuous people should be vaccinated "just in case"!!!
    Man you folks are paranoid and illlogical in your will for cocoon like security.
    I'm surprised some of you leave the house. There's cars and roads everywhere!
    If you have been dumb or scared enough to get your magic medicine vaccine then what's your problem?
    If the vaccine works why are you worried about those that haven't?
    You guys don't believe in freedom you believe in herd instinct.
  • Currently Reading
    Dead souls. Nikolai gogol.
    Brother karazamov. Fyodor dostoevsky.
    Through the looking glass. Lewis carroll.
    Problems of dostoevskys poetics. Mikhail bhaktin.

    Bhaktin is a philosopher whose work on Language is far far better than any of the famous philosophers or linguists.
    You could solve all the pseudo epistemological and ontological problems with his dialogical concept.
  • Anti-Vaxxers, Creationists, 9/11 Truthers, Climate Deniers, Flat-Earthers
    Wasn't electric shock treatment for Shell shocked soldiers a consensus?
    Or how about when gay people were called mentally ill and tried to be medically cured?
    Phlogiston anyone?!
    How much medical science has been shown to be absolute dogshit.
    So this bullshit about people who don't trust the medical system being labelled derogatorially just shows the ignorance of these science/pharma industry/witch doctor bootlickers for what they are. Ignorant wimps.
    Man up,and trust your immune system and personal intelligence.