Well, there's bound to be fewer leftovers given excessive food consumption, so perhaps excessive thinking isn't that much of a problem. — Ciceronianus
Probably not enough of the right sort. — Cuthbert
Beyond that, I don't see any reason to believe that we need our cognitive abilities less now than we did in the past. — T Clark
Forgot to mention - your English is fine. Clear and easy to understand. — T Clark
Not rumination but the constant accumulation of new information and the process of thinking it all through even though there isnt any point to doing so as it doesnt impact us in any other way than keeping us busy thinking.Perhaps it's not excessive thinking (do you mean rumination?) — Tom Storm
Do you have specific evidence that justifies the claims that 1) there is too much thinking and that 2) it is causing us harm in some way? — Tom Storm
But I think that's a misery. One of the things which triggers me the most is the fact that the less thinkers tend to be happier than the rest or even they can achieve good positions in their professional carriers.
To be honest, think less is the easiest way possible of existence. We are forced (sooner or later) to think and rethink about everything. This is the point of evolution of our especie and what differences us from the rest of the living world. — javi2541997
Dig the Nick Drake by the way — Noble Dust
He looks like if my dad accidentally ended up on a stage in front of five thousand people. — Noble Dust
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Hans Zimmer watching Gurthrie Govan solo might be the most awkward thing I've ever seen on a stage — Noble Dust
Just that Kate Bush has suddenly become big with gen Z after a song of hers was in Stranger Things. — Noble Dust
Gotta ask how old you are, I'm sorry. Just a litmus test. — Noble Dust
Here's a link to a 60 Minutes piece on her work with moral judgement in very young children:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRvVFW85IcU — T Clark
All I know is the Bible is a piece of political propaganda written after his death and edited/censored to serve an institution rather than as a moral compass for humanity. — I like sushi
Mankind has always looked for ways to reduce manual labor and repetitive tasks. To that end, and in the absence of technology, civilization exploited various methods, often by taking advantage of their fellow humans. Robots, as a potential solution, have long fascinated mankind, capturing our imagination for centuries. Even in Greek mythology, the god Hephaestus had « mechanical » servants. But not until recently, has artificial intelligence finally progressed to a level that will become more and more life-changing for the future of humanity. — Free Documentary
So I think you can train yourself to dream lucidly. — universeness
universeness — universeness
I don't want to bring the tone down here but erotic lucid dreams can be very interesting indeed but how far can you get? Climax?
I think this is interesting from the standpoint of how the mind can control your own physical reactions in a lucid dream state — universeness
If you undertake a dream journal, and thoroughly and regularly document your dreams, your dreams will grow in extent and clarity (at least your recollection thereof), and you will naturally achieve lucid dreaming. I have done it, the results are quite remarkable. — Pantagruel
What we need, as far (artificial) intelligence is concerned, is what is described as the technological singularity - an exponential growth of intelligence - each subsequent intelligence should be greater than the one preceding it by a factor that would depend on what's possible given physical/chemical/biological constraints. This kinda growth actually occurs at a small scale with individuals - a person is today more intelligent than she was yesterday (books & experience as invaluable teachers). — Agent Smith
I know there's people focusing especially on existential risk, for humans to survive as a species, but frankly I couldn't care less about "the species" if the world is turned into an arid hothouse where most of the other species have died off and only small portions of the globe are really livable without technological assistance. Seriously, I don't get this type of reasoning, it's like saying to someone you will lose most of your limbs, your eyes, your stomach etc, but don't be alarmed we can keep you alive just fine by hooking you up to this machine for the rest of your life. — ChatteringMonkey