Arguments for and against the identification of Jesus with God Not sure if it was mentioned in earlier responses but from a biblical/historical perspective Jesus was not a god or "god" until the council of Nicaea in 325ad. Up until the Catholic church decided he was god(325 yrs after the fact) was it considered so. Makes the argument seem silly. At that council they decided that Jesus was "god" for purely practical reasons, namely better control of the followers. And of course their assertion was that he was the son of the biblical god Yahweh.
I am an igtheist and am certain from a philosophical point of view that the existence of a god can neither be proven or disproven logically. It's been tried by greater minds than ours. I do not believe there is any sort of personal god-being. But arguing the existence or non-existence of a human made construct is problematic at best. The historical existence of a man named Jesus isn't even certain. It's basically a fairytale of sorts and has little to do with the concept of a "god" in the generic sense.
So the identification of Jesus with God was a deliberate act of that council. There was no logical syllogisms or modus ponens involved, only man made calculation and deliberation in order to further the control of the authority of the day.