
  • Why is atheism merely "lack of belief"?
    A lot of Athiests seem to think it means "rejects the idea of religion and worship science and figures against religion". Who believe worshipping science makes them scientists.
  • Is objective morality imaginary?
    The closest to objectove morality is utilitarianism. Its based on cost and benifit. For example if there is a train coming and one must die or many die you sacrifice the one. Thats pretty objective. If say we are going to kill 20 mobsters or 5 doctors you might save the doctors as they are known for saving lives. If say there is two mobsters and one is regulating crime while one is cuasing mass chaos even if you dont believe in the mob you keep one to keep crime in check vs the one who is probobly going to get many innocent sluaghtered. Its very logical.
  • Can you really change your gender?
    you could be health wise 27, but physically be 57.
  • Thoughts on the Royal Wedding
    Thats like caring if Britney spares got a new idiot boyfreind.
  • Can one scientifically explain humor?

    That is very interesing.
  • Thoughts on the Royal Wedding
    Im wondering why we care so much about a wedding we were A.not invited to B.Isnt about us C.isnt involving people we personally know or deal with frequently
  • How is the future predictable?
    You examine all patterns. See how the patterns influence other things and see how everything is connected. Have your mind overflowing with an endless stream of data which will periodically send you into an exsistional depression. Plan for all and every possible outcome and expect everything. Which might also lead to sleep problems. Examine every person and thing into traits and behaviors. Have everyone think you are a genius despite internally dealing with a feeling of being inadequate and imposter syndrome.
  • Animal Ethics - Is it wrong to eat animals?
    It would be more justified to eat death row criminals and bodies donated after death. Animals are often bread just to be tortured, expirimented on, eaten and abused. Often those used for these type of purposes dont ever know any real happiness. Also Cannibilising other humans creates a medical disorders in humans. Thats going under the idea only non innocent creatures must become victems though. Children and animals by default are mostly pretty innocent. Also if you never commit a crime you are also very innocent. We eat animals becuase we genetically need meat to survive.
  • What is NOTHING?
    The absense of anything.
  • Dealing with people who choose to suffer
    For example a person says they cant get a job becuase of depression. While they say it makes them sad they dont have money to do stuff becuase they dont have a job and have to beg everyone for hand outs. That or "well clearly no one will hire my skin color, so looking for work is pointless. Ill go be a homeless begger". Compared to the worker who trys too hard at work becuase they feel inadequate and is worker of year. Who might later have a mental break down and quits thier job and was suffering from axiety and depression the entire time as well. That or the person who says despite everything will be the first black or female president.
  • How and why does one go about believing unfalsifiable claims?
    A lot of thoeries in physics can not really be entirely proven. One argument people often bring up is gravity. I think the thing which makes a claim bad is the reasoning. We have different types of reasoning. Like inductive and deductive reasoning. If a person makes an educated guess and is right but didn't test thier thoery the argument is valid. If say a person does a bunch of tests to come to a conclusion its valid. Ill use doctors as example. Lets say a doctor of years of training makes an educated guess on what a patient has and is right but has not tested the patient his argument might be valid. He made an educated guess based on logic and what he knows. If say a different doctor does 20 tests and comes to the same conclusion its valid. If a third doctor says the diagnoses is incorrect becuase the patient is his mom, hes an idiot so fire him. This auctually comes up a lot in House the tv show. The smartest doctor there makes a lot of educated guesses and is often right. While most of the doctors argue for more test.
  • Dealing with people who choose to suffer
    So why do some people choose to stay unhappy and unsuccessful? I dont understand why a clearly suffering person would choose to remain that way. I myself was helped out of an otherwise hopeless situation and took that chance to better myself. I know others who choose to remain despite being given more chance and freedom than myself or most people. How do you save a person like that?
  • Can you really change your gender?
    I think you mean sex. As under transgender idea gender is what you feel vs sex is what you are.
  • How do you get out of an Impasse?
    Firsty some people are unreasonable. Second some people are willing to negotiate but have to take a stance on certian issues. Also some people are selfish and make decisions only reguarding themselves, so a more considerate person would find them annoying.
  • The Door is Closing
    It isnt controlled by them. You just are not going to get much back lash if much of the native inhabitants already has issues with whatever group you're against. A large majority of America is mainly Christian or some nomination of it and Jewish. Most of the middle east is Muslim, while they have a smaller majority of Christians, and Jews. However this is one aspect and ignores the several other conflicts which already exist between the countries. You clearly don't pay attention to history or know anything about social groups.
  • Why do you believe morality is subjective?
    You can justify any deed if it fits within your own code. Which is entirely based on your personal ideals, goals and priorities. So even if everyone around you thought you were in the wrong even if it makes sense to stop you can try to justify why you personally are right. I think most morality and ethics that are enforced though are based on least amount of damage. So fall under the idea of utilitarianism. Which in my opinion is the most logical.
  • What are the marks of a great intellectual?
    Left brain is more useful but often not as creative or spontaneous. Left brain is also more likely to be really harsh. So right is good for ideas while left is good for nuts and bolts.
  • What are the marks of a great intellectual?
    I think thought process reflects intelligence. I think a lot of people are split between left vs right brain. This can be observed in children. A creative child will have an imagenary freind and want to be a pirate. A logical child will question why he is born and process things like an adult.
  • The Door is Closing
    Aside from the group itself. I mean thats like saying the Republicans are made up becuase one is Liberal. Even if you are against it does not mean they are fantasy.
  • The American Gun Control Debate
    most people are going for all or nothing though. Banning guns doesn't make sense. Regulation obviously makes sense. If we didn't have any guns we would still have crime. There is a number of other factors which go into shootings.
  • The Door is Closing
    The Christian/Jewish Alliance. I think its called the fellowship.
  • The Door is Closing

    America is at war with the middle east in more than one way. Part of this battle is religous. Jewish people will side with Christians faster than they will a Muslim. Of course they are not going to support letting in refugees from a Muslim ruled country. This battle is like cats and dogs.
  • The American Gun Control Debate
    banning guns will not stop crime, killing, will not stop people from getting guns or make anyone safer. There was a crime recently where a mad man ran into a kindergarden and swang a machete at a bunch of people for some unknown reason. Also under this logic we would have to also ban nearly every tool and kitchen knife or tool with a sharp edge. Regulation of our guns is a good thing and training should be mandatory for all legal gun owners.
  • How do you see the future evolving?
    Idiocracy was a good indicator of America I believe.
  • The Contradictions in Dealing with Other People
    the truth is humans are insignificant creatures. The majority have the potential for such great things and choose to be emotionally impulsive idiots. Humans are akin to cattle yet they act like they are superior.
  • The idea that we don't have free will.
    you mean to say a universe which differs from others not by all chioces but some? I think that is possible under the thoery. Excellent piont!
  • Why is love so important?
    Love is warm, while logic is cold. Logic without compassion or empathy leads to psycophathy while emotions without sense leads to idiocy. A scientific mind detached and cold can rule the world but there will be no limit to cost.
  • Why do you believe morality is subjective?
    Right or wrong is based is based on what you prioritizing. Everyone has different priorities so its going to mean different things to different people.
  • Pain as a Warning
    mental illness is not a signal like pain. Its a bit more complicated. Mental illness is often a result of your brain trying to protect itself from emotional/mental truama. That or behavior it believes will protect itself from physical damage. So it creates unhealthy deffense mechanisms, behaviors and thought processes which are disruptive to everyday life.
  • The idea that we don't have free will.
    Under multiverse thoery we have no free will becuase there is a bunch of other people doing what you didnt. So your action is the only action left not taken. However in the discussed situation you are free to do what you wish but there are consequences to every action or in action. How fair those choices are though depend. You are basically asking Jack to let himself die which is not fair to ask of him. So the only fair option is do what the person with the gun makes you do.
  • What is Wisdom?
    Wisdom is either being clever enough to learn from other mistakes or knowing not to make a mistake twice after learning from it once.
  • Are there any non-selfish reasons for having children?
    I want children one day and I want to adopt. It is selfish to add more kids when there is so many unwanted children. Kids are sweet becuase they are kind of like cats or puppies and motives are very innocent. They are pure and so are adorable and should be protected. I want to give a child the support and love I never got as a child. As well as that if possible id open a giant orphanage and teach them all good morals and to care about the future and others. That way we have a new generation of children who together will make a brighter, better future. Children are the future and us not teaching them anything is ruining our future. Children need a proper foundation. When we fail our children we fail our planet, our future and society as a whole.