When the brain writes memories to the cerebral matter, aspects of the limbic system, in the core of the brain, will add emotional tags during the writing process. The result is our memory has both sensory data combined with emotional tags. Our strongest memories will have the strongest emotional attachments.
The value of this schema is that it allows the animal to make decisions without needing to think. If a similar situation arises, it will trigger the old memory and the attached feeling, with the animal reacting to the feeling. For example, if the animal ate a strange new food, and it was good and caused no ill affects, the next time they encounter that food, they will feel a positive feeling and eat. They do not have to recreate the wheel and run another cautious experiment.
Since our memories are binary and have both data and feelings tags, it is possible to trigger the memory in two different ways. We can think about a particular feeling and certain data will appear, with that feeling attachment. Or we can think about certain data, and the emotional tag will appear as a feeling. For example, if I feel hungry, images; data, of my favorite foods will appear in my mind. On the other hand, if I think of my favorite food, it can make me feel hungry. Objective versus subjective is loosely based on which side of the memory; emotion or data, you use to induce memory. It is also connected to natural or unnatural tagging.
Subjective; emotional side inductions, can be objective if there was a natural emotional tag added during the writing process, based on natural instinct. In the example, of the animal eating the new food, his final tag feeling tag was based on previously gathered data and his experiment that was drawn to a successful conclusion. His feeling is objective, based on previous cause and affect. Sometimes a gut feeling seems subjective to others, but it can actually be based on an internal logic synthesis. The gut feeling allows you to know the answer before the solution is fully conscious.
Where subjectivity; emotional side induction, remains subjective is usually connected to group think that is not filtered through natural instinct for tagging. This other feeling can still trigger memory but it will not have the correct natural tag and will thereby become subjective.
A good example is the anti-Trump movement in American politics. All memory tagging by this movement, no matter what Trump does, gets a negative tag, due to group think propaganda inductions. This tagging process is not objective, based on case by case studies. This emotional thinker will draw subjective conclusions, env with sound logic, due to premises that are not natural with cause and affect.
Objective; data side induction of memory, can also be both objective and subjective. For example, if you based the value of your chosen beliefs, on prestige; this is a type of memory tagging is based on what the group subjectively feels is correct. One may induce this memory, directly, and arrange it with other memory, in a sound logical way to draw a what appears to be a rational conclusion, but the original premises were not objective, so the result is subjective.
For example, at one time it was believed that the earth was flat. There was a social prestige in this belief, since the leaders; highest social prestige, assumed it to be truth; in good faith. The average Joe would use this feeling of prestige and assume this premise was objective. As we reason from there, using sound logic, if the earth was flat and you sailed to the edge, you would fall off. This follows logically, but is not objective in terms of reality. Typically, as humans, we go both ways in terms of memory inductions, with logic not always using premises that objective, to draw what we assume is an objective conclusion.
It can get very complicated and requires you question your memory tagging to make sure each premise is self standing based on logic and data. Throwing money at a theory does not make it objective in proportion to the money spent. The value of emotional side inductions, based on sound tagging of memory, is speed. Then you translate the result in the opposite way; data side, making sure the induced feelings, during translation are also adding up. It is a skill you can learn.