What is the history of Infinity? — TiredThinker
Maybe, just maybe, the Bible tells us what the men and women of that time were doing was wrong. — Edward235
The stories within the Bible show us scenes of gore, rape, slavery, and so many more violent acts, yet Christians sit here and preach that we must do what the Bible tells us word for word. — Edward235
Kidding aside, the decision to take hormone blockers is very serious and can have long-term consequences, and I think is therefore best made by a mature mind. — praxis
First kid: I don't have a dad and a mom at home I have two moms....grades 1-3 of elementary school. — Ciceronianus
Imagine a world in which everyone is a moron according to someone else. — Noble Dust
......what was his reason to include fossils? — EugeneW
And collectively, as a society, we have surpassed the Greek culture collectively as a society in wisdom. — god must be atheist
Justified True Belief has been refuted by the Gettier problems — Cidat
While, in effect, the route to happiness is completely different. — god must be atheist
I there is no way to determine whether a proposition is true or false, even in principle, then it is meaningless. — T Clark
Right, but in order to be a model of good behaviour one needs to be educated in ethics. — DingoJones
What would your own ideal education in ethics look like in elementary and high school? — DingoJones
She doesn't analyze it. She just is. — EugeneW
I think he is being pretty sloppy with terminology — KantDane21
Do you trust Biden or Putin more with nuclear weapons? — Christoffer
I wonder if the church will ever absolve Eriugena’s condemnation — Dermot Griffin
You mean the fallacy of equivocation? — KantDane21
To me, this would be a good time to think not as individuals, not as partisans, not as patriots, but as a species. Are we tired of living yet? — Olivier5
– “ … you must go on. I can’t go on. I’ll go on” — Beckett,The Unnamable
“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” — Beckett, Worstward Ho
When you look at the division in Christianity in that part of the world there is definitely a much older feel. — Dermot Griffin
Now, scaphia are circular vessels of bronze which indicate the passage of hours from the height of a rod that is set up in the midst of their base. This rod is called a gnomon, and from it as centre lines are drawn to the rims of the vessels, and these lines divide the whole circle of the sundial into twenty-four segments, that is to say, into the twenty-four intervals of hourly duration through which the circumference of the whole celestial sphere revolves about the earth until it returns to the position of the natural horizon which it held on the previous day. Therefore the aforesaid Eratosthenes by careful observation of the movement of the rod’s shadow through the segments of the sundial came to a clear understanding that the movement of the shadow through the hourly intervals about the rod [716D] of the sundial was proportionate [to the circuit of the night through the same hourly intervals about the earth’s circumference], so that whatever is observed in the vessels of the sundial [which represents
the sky] by analogous contemplation may be understood of the motion of the heavenly bodies. Thus, at the Vernal Equinox the length of the rod’s shadow is equal to half the length of the gnomon on Meroe, which is an island in the Nile, and at Syene, a city of Egypt. But the diameter of the whole circle of the sundial is also [717A] equal to half (the length of) the rod, and therefore both the shadow [of the rod at the Equinox] is (equal in length to) the diameter of the sundial ; and, because every diameter is doubled by [the very] sphere or circle of which it is the diameter, the shadow of the rod must describe a circle that is double (its own length)..... [etc.] — Eriugena
It's entertaining. — Olivier5
What would a physicalist explanation of mind look like? — Agent Smith
https://ia801709.us.archive.org/31/items/periphyseon-the-division-of-nature-by-johannes-scotus-erigena-john-joseph-omeara/Periphyseon%20-%20The%20division%20of%20nature%20by%20Johannes%20Scotus%20Erigena%20John%20Joseph%20OMeara.pdfFor whatever negation you make about Him will be a true negation, but not every
affirmation you make will be a true affirmation : for if you show that He is this or that you will be proved wrong, for He is none of the existing things that can be spoken of or understood. But if you
declare: “He is not this nor that nor anything”, you will be seen to speak the truth, for He is none of the things that are or of those that are not, and no one may draw near Him who does not first, by
persevering in the way of thought, abandon all the senses and the operations of the intellect, together with the sensibles and everything that is and that is not, and, having achieved a state of not-knowing,
is restored to the unity — as far as is possible — of Him Who is above every essence and understanding, of Whom there is neither reason nor understanding, Who is neither spoken nor understood, for Whom there is neither name nor word. — Eriugena
In other words, — StreetlightX
As we cannot even Imagine a means of Creating a Consciousness other than by Evolution in a Material Reality — Michael Sol
simply a silly recourse to Magic. — Michael Sol
Created Consciousnesses do not count for the purposes of this Inquiry, because of the infinite regression of Creators' Creators Absurdity... — Michael Sol
Of all the things I've said, I wasn't expecting that to be the part to receive such a thoroughgoing exegesis. — Isaac
So the crux of the conversation is, as you highlight, the fact of the matter regarding where we are on these scales, and how we decide where 'too far' is. — Isaac
Ah yes, but we're in the comfort of our virtual lounge talking about it. If we can't even muster a virtual cheer for the virtual punching of a virtual Nazi then we've no hope.... — Isaac
equivocating between fascists and their opposition — StreetlightX
That if you seriously cannot 'distinguish' between that, then you lose all rights to make any political judgements - in fact any judgements at all. — StreetlightX