crass incompetence, dishonesty and political shallowness — Olivier5
some pro-Eu folks do actually agree that the UK never really belonged in the EU, — Olivier5
In fact it has been extremely patient. — Olivier5
You don't think individuals can BOTH be "confident" and be "clueless"? — ThinkOfOne
There is a lot of confusion about sex and gender, especially if people use the term "gender" to refer to things that are separate — Matias66
older generations tend to see the gender male as the breadwinner, head of household, and dominant role within the traditional nuclear family — Cartesian trigger-puppets
You can roll your cigarettes and within two minutes you can think what were you doing before rolling the cigarettes — Eros1982
you have people nowadays who can't read a book for more than 15 minutes, without them feeling they should check their Instagram. — Eros1982
Any comments for poor parents who are okay with five year old kids to spend hours on TikTok just because they find this habit a good way to keep kids "busy"? — Eros1982
Surely the big problem here is we have no reason to think anything in the NT is quoting whoever the character of Jesus was based on. — Tom Storm
God Angrily Clarifies 'Don't Kill' Rule — jorndoe
Jesus is in no way advocating violence here. The sword is a metaphor. Jesus is speaking of division. — ThinkOfOne
For me the Aspidistra is an attractive understory plant; I'm not that big on it as an indoor plant, in fact I don't much like indoor plants. — Janus
Keep in mind that you are the one who has introduced the context of people being assaulted, that was not what I had in mind at all — Judaka
I know it's nos but I don't even need to leave this page to find an ignorant opinion. — Judaka
I think currently that most people are so clueless and inexperienced with regard to gender identity that most views and actions are more of a product of ignorance than some well-thought-out alternative. — Judaka
I don't think one can expect people to have unconditional respect for others, I'm sure you don't have that because if you did it would mean you're unable to think and express yourself. — Judaka
The solution is not "be nicer" or "be respectful", these issues need to be worked out.
It's not really good enough to "treat with respect" — Judaka
Right now, it's something like the wild west, it seems everyone has their own opinions and operates by their own rules. This makes things incredibly difficult for everyone, don't you agree? — Judaka
many gardens that still sport them — Janus
Another evening wasted. Hours, days, years slipping by. Night after night, always the same. The lonely room, the womanless bed; dust, cigarette ash, the aspidistra leaves. — Orwell
"The only truth (axiom) is that there is no truth (or 'true axiom")"
— dclements
Like all formulations of logical relativism, this is a self-contradiction. It's literally "the x is not x" — Hallucinogen
one small error could throw the whole thing off the track — I like sushi
And as to the faculties of the mind I find yet a greater equality amongst men than that of strength. That which may perhaps make such equality incredible is but a vain conceit of one's own wisdom, which almost all men think they have in a greater degree than any vulgar person. But this proves that men are in that point equal, rather than unequal. For there is not ordinarily a greater sign of the equal distribution of anything than that every man is contented with his share. — Hobbes, Leviathan
But I honestly think in a way that everyone is non binary. — Susu
Watch out, the world's behind you
There's always someone around you who will call
It's nothing at all — Velvet Underground, Sunday Morning
I don't understand why philosophy is so binary. Why they like to take two opposite concepts and prove they both have problems instead of creating one in between... Like Rationalism vs. Empiricism for example. — Skalidris
Wait...What? You're actually debating it? It's ironic, right? — Skalidris
But still you allow that Simmias does not really exceed Socrates, as the words may seem to imply, because he is Simmias, but by reason of the size which he has; just as Simmias does not exceed Socrates because he is Simmias, any more than because Socrates is Socrates, but because he has smallness when compared with the greatness of Simmias?
And if Phaedo exceeds him in size, this is not because Phaedo is Phaedo, but because Phaedo has greatness relatively to Simmias, who is comparatively smaller?
And therefore Simmias is said to be great, and is also said to be small, because he is in a mean between them, exceeding the smallness of the one by his greatness, and allowing the greatness of the other to exceed his smallness. He added, laughing, I am speaking like a book, but I believe that what I am saying is true.
I speak as I do because I want you to agree with me in thinking, not only that absolute greatness will never be great and also small, but that greatness in us or in the concrete will never admit the small or admit of being exceeded: instead of this, one of two things will happen, either the greater will fly or retire before the opposite, which is the less, or at the approach of the less has already ceased to exist; but will not, if allowing or admitting of smallness, be changed by that; even as I, having received and admitted smallness when compared with Simmias, remain just as I was, and am the same small person. And as the idea of greatness cannot condescend ever to be or become small, in like manner the smallness in us cannot be or become great; nor can any other opposite which remains the same ever be or become its own opposite, but either passes away or perishes in the change. — Plato, Phaedo 102b etc
Is it legitimate, however, if someone says, "If x, then y," to then assume, "If not x, then not y?" — MichaelJYoo
You don't know what's behind you until you do ask a friend, or turn around. — Tate
mentally, we top the list — Agent Smith
Could you explain why — Tate
You've demonstrated that it's possible to doubt it. — Tate
(I expect Twain had “conceived” in mind rather than “born”) — Art48
two different things — Eros1982