@Posty McPostface
Have you ever held a hand blown German Christmas ornament?
If you are any thing like me and I have asked everyone from my Psychiatrist to those with decades of experience what affect am I missing out on in not taking mind altering drugs like MDMA or Mushrooms and every one has agreed with what my Dr. said.
He said that I have a loose enough grip (which is a plus in western pleasure horse back riding) on reality, that he just wouldn't do it if I could stay away from it.
As a recovering meth addict with this Sunday marking my 10nth year anniversary of my first Full Day of an Opiate free life, I can only speak from my own withdrawal experiences, which proves there is always a down for every up.
The first 45 days I functioned at 15% of my pre opiate addicted body. I had atrophy of my muscles and it was as I said 45 long grueling days, feeling a blunt razor shaved every nerve in my body raw until I got my first Dopamine dump. The first signs of life that my Dopamine receptors were needed to function again as they had been supplemented for 5 years was fucking amazing! I broke down crying knowing that I had walked through the worst of the storm and saw the tinyist light a bit further ahead and that kept me going.
My Dr is right, for me, to advise me against toying with my sense of reality, as it is too delicate to mess with. My OB Dr. warned me 19 yrs ago that my youngest son should be my last pregnancy. Interesting wording, I pressed on. He said the degree of Post Pardom Depression I have is treatable now. He openly said he didn't think my psyche would respoond if I were to.have another pregnancy.
Years later I told my OB/Gyn what happened with my.Opiate addiction he looked at me and said you are one lucky lady to have made it through the other side of the storm
And and normally I tell people that "luck" had nothing to do with it but seeing as he delivered my kids, while the Cubs broke my heart, I let it slide.
It was love and.support that if I jumped off this Dr. prescribed 'ride' there was a network of people who were around me to hold me up, including Dr's as well as family and friends.
I have had to find humor in other people's intoxication.