You're not aware that BLM leases to ranchers on public lands are at below market value and represent a taxpayer subsidy to the "ranching lifestyle", one that degrades public lands and externalizes the costs to the taxpayers? I guess you're not very informed on the subject. — Landru Guide Us
We both know what would have happened if 150 brown people went to some federal building armed with assault rifles and occupied it by force. There's a hypocrisy here that's part of a greater narrative, which, constrained by the racial aspect itself, is this: the American state is afraid of white people. Seriously, the American state rarely ever does anything against white people that organize politically if they are right-wingers. They let you walk around with assault rifles anywhere you go, they arrest your activists instead of just executing them on the spot (e.g. Dylan Storm Roof), they give into most of your demands (e.g. Tea Party)... being white, right-wing and politically active in America is a dream come true for any politically minded person! It's a pity that the organized ones in America are bible thumping constitutionalists, otherwise everyone would be living in some communist utopia dreamland by now instead of trying to extend the rights of some millionaire ranchers. — discoii
This is the true meaning of the 2nd Amendment - liberating a bird sanctuary from Big Gummit so that welfare ranchers can commit arson. — Landru Guide Us
You have to love gun nuttery. — Landru Guide Us
If they weren't white there'd be a huge pile of dead brown bodies now. Thank the Lord Jesus for that white skin! Yeehaw! — discoii
I worry that I'll slip off the edge and become an alcoholic or drug addict to deal with my anxiety. Not a pretty picture. — darthbarracuda
Arpaio has been accused of
abuse of power
misuse of funds
failure to investigate sex crimes
improper clearance of cases
unlawful enforcement of immigration laws
election law violations
and others.
Sheriff Arpaio has been:
found guilty of racial profiling in federal court
has a court appointed monitor to oversee his office's operations
has jails twice ruled unconstitutional
The U.S. Department of Justice concluded that Arpaio oversaw the worst pattern of racial profiling in U.S. history and filed suit against him for unlawful discriminatory police conduct. — Bitter Crank
It seems to me that he is of the old school here in the West, where it is believed that an armed society, is a polite society, Just sayin...;)Statements of this kind from the good Sheriff represent, to me, either an effort on the part of some in law enforcement to cover their asses or an admission that they cannot, or will not, do their jobs. — Ciceronianus the White
By the way, conservative Republicans called for and got the No Fly list, but don't let facts get in the way of your narrative. — Landru Guide Us
“My goal of utilizing 250,000 citizens armed with concealed weapons is to stop the carnage, stop the killing before cops arrive,” said Sheriff Arpaio in a video posted to social media.
The sheriff’s goal of getting 250,000 armed citizens would be just under 10 percent of the Valley's population.
Many gun owners agree that more armed citizens might be the answer.
Begging the question: Why? Why limit gun ownership and possession one case and not another? — Landru Guide Us
What the legislators should be praying for is the courage to do what any rational legislature would do, even if it means they are bounced from office in the next election: enact laws that tighten access to assault weapons and hand guns--laws that are as tight as the NRA's grip on these bastards' balls. — Bitter Crank
I certainly don't call the police to my house. — Moliere