
  • Icon for the Site?
    like bell hooks
    As I also brought up this issue, I'd like to throw in my two cents here for bell hooks: oh god no.
  • New Owner Announcement at PF
    Who buys a philosophy forum to make money anyways... we are all broke and unemployed! Do the owners not know who Socrates is?
  • Feature requests
    Is there a way to make the All Discussions threads show which subforum each thread comes from?
  • AFSCME Endorses Clinton
    I'm not surprised, their leadership has always been a bunch of reactionaries. When I worked at an AFSCME shop, it was literally no different than nonunion shops, except they took money out of my check every week.
  • Refugees, the Islamic State, and Leaving the Politics of the Enlightenment Era
    The UN and League of Nations concept came from a Kantian legal theorist named Hans Kelsen, basing it off of the concept of the universal man as can be found in Kant's Perpetual Peace.

    As for natural selection, I don't know, can you elaborate?
  • Refugees, the Islamic State, and Leaving the Politics of the Enlightenment Era
    I was thinking of how the Romans had a pretty advanced concept of the universal citizen for the region they were in, but actually there has been similar substitutes elsewhere as well, the Iroquois League Confederacy being one of them. In the Iroquois League Confederacy, inter-tribal breeding was encouraged, and intra-tribal breeding discouraged. Then, there are less elaborate forms, for instance tribes that believed that the human species itself was to be protected, and this stemmed from the polydeist religious views that came from them. In some hill tribes up here in the North of Thailand, there are remnants of the old Nat religion, which, prior to the Burmese incorporating into their city-state for hegemonic control, was similar to many religions that saw spirits in all things.

    However, to address Mariner's point about the necessity for shelter from superhuman forces, in the modern era, the advancement of the concept of the universal citizen came during the industrial age, which was, of course, building on the concepts built during the Renaissance. The idea is that since now (even in the early 1800s) productivity potentialities has increased so manifold, it makes no sense to keep the hierarchical structure that is found in nation-states or old centralized tribalist societies, but that is makes more sense to simply open up society and let people simply migrate freely. This seems to be the root of the "no human is illegal" saying that migrant rights activists seem to use.
  • Things at the old place have changed
    PF = Voldemort? Is that why we call it 'the old place'?
  • Welcome PF members!
    Please no, I am too lazy to move again.
  • Welcome PF members!
    Maybe eventually we can change the icon from Kant to something non-white. Philosophy has historically been embroiled as sort of 'the thought of white men', maybe we wouldn't want that representing us? I don't want this to be some sort of controversy, 'cause Kant is legit, but it seems so... cliche?

    Good god I complain so much. Okay, I'll go do some actual philosophy now.
  • Whose History?
    There is a popular protest chant that is used: "Who's street? Our street!" In using language to describe anything, there is often inherent in the language a built-in structure of identification: me, you, yours, them, they, and so on. In describing history, we often lace it with words implying some sort of ownership that something has over some aspect. Even the word history comes from the root learned narrative, where it is the learning of an account belonging to something else. As such, there can be no objective account of history that isn't laced with the inherent bias of thought and language.
  • Do we really have to have "likes"?
    But how will neurosis be curbed without it?
  • Refugees
    I thought this thread was about us philosopher migrants :-}
  • Missing features, bugs, questions about how to do stuff
    After snooping around here and there and testing things out and reading this and that I've come to the conclusion about what this site feels like: Youtube comments with way smarter people and added formatting. :D
  • Welcome PF members!
    The text parts are not wide enough... but it might be just because I'm used to the PF wider format. Anyways, maybe if you tucked in the navigation bar somewhere and let the text part reign supreme, that might be better. Anyways, thanks for setting this up, jamalrob!

    Also, the white background is too bright for my eyes, but that can be solved later if you implement some sort of skin system. Or am I missing it?
  • Welcome PF members!
    Hi everyone. I can't say I like the Philosophy2.0 layout, but if it's where the cool kids are, it's where the cool kids are. 8-)