
  • AI as a partner
    Well, if nothing else this was an interesting look into your psyche.
  • AI as a partner
    Why is this preferable? You see only pros and no cons?
  • What draws people to an online forum anyway?
    Human isn't very proficient at intricate irony? Or?
  • What draws people to an online forum anyway?
    Piss and vinegar? Hehehe. Hanover wins the internet for the day on two levels. Yay!
  • The Wisdom of Harry Lime Redux
    I almost feel psychology and anthropology are being muddled here. It appears a matter of 'adaptation styles'. Italy 'chooses' or utilizes the peaks and valleys and Switzerland goes for overall stability. What's more there's a fine line between constructive and deconstructive friction, I think.

    The entire picture Lime draws is a bit of nonsense in actual fact as Switzerland is quite innovative where medicine and technology are concerned, especially today but alright.

    On that note, would you rather be a citizen of Zurich or Rome at the current time? Think carefully before you answer.

    That being said, a character such as 'Lime' will always seek out an external locust of control or scape goat. Narcissists and psychopaths never assume personal responsibility for their actions because their frail ego doesn't allow for it.

    Therefore, it's neither here nor there and the premise is false as far as I'm concerned. Refering to his comment as 'wisdom' merely legitimizes Machiavellianism and causes its preponderance.
  • Currently Reading
    Derrida's 'The Parergon' in which he excellently deconstructs Kant (one my absolute least favorite philosophers).
  • What draws people to an online forum anyway?
    What draws others to online forums, is the same thing which draws people to any type of interaction and that is the concept of 'community'. No man is an island, most especially those who pretend they are.

    In a word; we all rely on each other whether or not we enjoy it. Some times we might, other times we might not but bottom line: the human is a social animal, as a general rule (barring certain genetic exception and even they require interaction to sustain self, which is ironic).

    The more interesting question is how online platforms function. The dynamics of virtual 'social places' are radically different from those that occur face to face. I wonder how it affects our neural pathways, myself. I see a loss of art and empathy as its most dire consequences.

    A wonderful example being the above exchange between 'Human' and 'Tiff'. 'Human' would be far less likely to react in such a fashion in real life, therefore, reserves it for virtual space.

    On a seperate note: Thank you Jamalrob for creating the new forum. I deeply hope it will become a thriving and authentic community.

    Best to all.