What draws people to an online forum anyway? What draws others to online forums, is the same thing which draws people to any type of interaction and that is the concept of 'community'. No man is an island, most especially those who pretend they are.
In a word; we all rely on each other whether or not we enjoy it. Some times we might, other times we might not but bottom line: the human is a social animal, as a general rule (barring certain genetic exception and even they require interaction to sustain self, which is ironic).
The more interesting question is how online platforms function. The dynamics of virtual 'social places' are radically different from those that occur face to face. I wonder how it affects our neural pathways, myself. I see a loss of art and empathy as its most dire consequences.
A wonderful example being the above exchange between 'Human' and 'Tiff'. 'Human' would be far less likely to react in such a fashion in real life, therefore, reserves it for virtual space.
On a seperate note: Thank you Jamalrob for creating the new forum. I deeply hope it will become a thriving and authentic community.
Best to all.